- Author: Yuuiii
- All Pokemon Radical Red Documentation: Click Here
- Language: English
If you’re looking for a detailed Pokemon Radical Red, we’ve got you covered!
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Pokemon Radical Red Changelog
Old 4.0 saves are compatible, but you might lose out on some of the new Pokemon and items! Progress on your Pokedex may also be reset! It is highly recommended that you start a brand new save from the beginning!
General Changes
- Added Scarlet & Violet DLC mons/moves with several caveats:
- Moves Dragon Cheer, Tera Starstorm, Syrup Bomb were not implemented
- Abilities Tera Shift, Teraform Zero, Supersweet Syrup, Poison Puppeteer, Ogerpon Tera Forms, Terapagos Stellar form were not implemented
- Terapagos simply comes in its Terestal form
- With the introduction of Archaludon, Mega Duraludon has been removed
- Added Character Customization – talk to the dresser in the starting room
- Male character has options of Gold, Lucas, N, Alain, Nate, and an extra costume that can be unlocked further into the game
- Female character has options of Serena, Lyra, Cynthia, Geeta, Marnie, and an extra costume that can be unlocked further into the game
- Added new OST:
- HGSS Rival theme (plays in Gary fights)
- Improved upon G/S/C Gym Battle theme
- HGSS Kanto Trainer Battle Theme remix – plays during basically any miniboss that doesn’t already have a custom theme (For instance, the weather route trainers)
- HGSS Kanto Gym Leader theme remix (replaces the E4 theme)
- SV Arven Theme (plays during Puzzle battle and fights against the Dumbass trainer class)
- BW N Final Battle theme (plays during Giovanni Cerulean Cave Tag battle)
- HGSS Legendary Beasts (plays in any wild battle with Legendary beasts or its paradox forms)
- Small new areas that can be unlocked when the roaming legends are activated:
- Silph Co has an additional area with a small spinny puzzle, a new item drop, and Raging Bolt static encounter
- Pokemon Mansion has an additional area with a sliding door puzzle, a new item drop, and Gouging Fire static encounter
- Added Monotype option for New Game Plus which can be redeemed through the Mystery Gift option by the Pokemon Center assistant
- Receive 6 random Pokemon of the codes corresponding type (Excluding legendaries and fully evolved forms)
- Code is the respective type with first letter capital, i.e Fire, Water, Grass
- Can only be redeemed once per run
- New code to encourage shiny hunting! Redeem in New Game Plus Mystery Gift at the PokeCenter by talking to Nurse Joy.
- Code is “Shiny” case sensitive.
- Added custom shinies for numerous Pokemon, full list can be found further down. Darkster also made a video showcasing all the new custom shiny sprites here with timestamps!
- Many of these shinies are very similar to their normal palettes which can be underwhelming. They have been made more distinct to be more rewarding.
- Shiny odds updated from 1/4096->2/4096, Shiny Charm boost updated from 3/4096->6/4096
- Safari Zone is now treated as a normal area (do not need to use bait/rock/Safari Balls etc) and has a new area accessible with Surf. This area has a raid den that includes the Toxic Chain members, Moltres/Moltres-G static encounter, and some new grass encounters.
- Dev note: it was a bit weird for Moltres to be accessible much further into the game compared to the other Legendary Birds (even if it is a R/B/Y reference), so this resolves that and allows for a more rewarding legendary to encounter in Victory Road.
- Safari Zone being another area enables DexNav usage, which wasn’t possible before.
- New signature items:
- Electirizer – When held by Electivire, boosts Fighting moves by 50%
- Magmarizer – When held by Magmortar, Fire moves that deal damage lower target’s Speed by 1 Stage, and inflicts tar on the target.
- Note: if target is already afflicted with tar or is at -6 speed, the Magmarizer effect will not trigger
- Upgrade – When held by Porygon-Z, boosts Speed by 50% but prevents the use of the same move twice
- Burnt Seed – When held by Sunflora, boosts Fire moves by 50%
- Added mysterious new Pokemon as an Easter Egg
- It can be obtained from the Route 2 trade in exchange for Furret
- All Pokemon obtained from in-game trades now have IVs of 31 in all stats, and are female Gender (except Ursaluna Blood Moon)
- Trade of Hatterene for Grimmsnarl in Cinnabar has been changed to Ursaluna for Ursaluna Blood Moon
- Minor team changes to several boss/mini-bosses for inclusion of new S/V DLC Pokemon
- Notably buffed Lance’s team in Cerulean Cave fight
- Erika Rematch now gives Ogerpon as a reward for defeating her,
- Hearthflame mask in the new Cinnabar Mansion section
- Cornerstone mask from defeating Jojo fan in the Power Plant
- Wellspring mask on the ground in Seafoam Islands
- Minor wild encounter changes to allow for earlier accessibility of Clobbopus, Crabrawler, Slowpoke, Foongus, Fomantis, Chingling, Natu, Bergmite, and Cryogonal
- Updated some of the alternate textbox frames in the Options Menu
- Victory Road Moltres/Moltres-G encounter->Walking Wake
- Walking Wake roaming legendary->Terapagos
- Many Mythical legendaries that were unobtainable in Species Randomizer have been added to the pool
- In Scaled Randomizer they are accessible after beating Clair
- Only Pokemon that are unobtainable are Arceus and Eternatus
- Battle sprite improvements for: Rellor, Rabsca, Flittle, Espathra, Great Tusk, Roaring Moon, Scovillain, Brambleghast, Armarouge, Ceruledge, Quaquaval, Sprigatito, Chi Yu, Basculegion M/F, Wyrdeer, Roaring Moon, Scovillain, Gholdengo, Chesnaught, Cinderace, Iron Treads, Walking Wake, Sneasler and others
- Icon improvements for Chi Yu, Chien Pao, Kingambit, Clodsire, Meowscarada, Quaquaval, Skeledirge, Houndstone, Garganacl, Iron Thorns, Scovillain, Rabsca, Palafin-Hero, Dondozo, Dachsbun, Orthworm, Veluza, Baxcalibur, Espathra, Zoroark-H. and many others
- Regigigas is now available in 6 Star Mt Moon Raids
- Tutor in Fuschia now teaches Nasty Plot, Calm Mind, Bulk Up, Swords Dance, Iron Defense, and Meteor Beam.
- Dragon Dance Tutor is now in Victory Road.
- The Pokemon icons are now animated in the Summary Screen moveset menu and Nickname Screen
Quality of Life Changes
- Replaced Sound type (Stereo, Mono) in Options menu to Music On/Off. Sound Type will be defaulted to Stereo. Toggling Double Battles is now also available in Options menu.
- The Music option can toggle the background music, sound effects like cries and attack sounds will still be on. It does not persist through saves so you will have to toggle it off after resetting if so desired. Changes to music setting will only take place after a scene transition (going into a battle, changing maps, etc)
- Added second page to Options menu that displays game mode information, and an option that allows you to change R Button Mappings (Dexnav, Bag, Pokemon menu)
- Added Dream Patch item that switches ability to Hidden Ability and vice versa, replaces the Saffron City NPC
- Dream Patch can be bought by the Saffron City seller, most occurrences of Bottle Cap have been replaced with Dream Patch
- Added Set To Level Cap option to Pokemon Center assistant, available if player enabled the Rare Candy cheat (Woyaopp on NES)
- This option sets Pokemon to Level Cap immediately, but it skips evolution and learned moves
- Improved Vermilion Gym Puzzle
- The bottom right-most trash can and top left-most trash can are always the switches. Pressing the wrong trash can also doesn’t reset the switches.
- Re-Added Stat Scanner as item (can still access from clicking A on summary screen, but some people enjoyed having Stat Scanner registered as an item for convenience)
- Added switch in message for Ruin abilities & Supreme Overlord
- Added informational text after beating relevant bosses that the Level Cap increased
- Added Level Cap info to Stat Scanner, remove Level Cap info option from Nurse Assistant
- Added low HP notification back in (the beeping noise when your health is in red), but it only beeps for a few seconds
- Now when redeeming Care Package cheat, if the player is already in the middle of the game they will receive care packages that they’ve missed.
- Quicker HP Bars – HP Bars move at a constant, faster rate regardless of their HP count
TM Changes
- There has been a large overhaul in the TM/Move tutor list. The main purpose of this is for more convenience (trying to lump more useful moves in TMs rather than tutors since TMs are more accessible), to make more sense with game progression, and also to have most of the Hardcore/Restricted Banned moves as a part of Move Tutors so that the experience is less jarring.
- TM01 Focus Punch->Close Combat (Focus Punch added to Saffron Tutor, Close Combat replace Body Press TM in Cerulean Cave,
- TM04 Calm Mind->Seed Bomb (Calm Mind added to Nasty Plot tutor, Seed Bomb removed from Saffron tutor)
- TM07 Snowscape ->Heat Wave (TM drop in Cinnabar Mansion, Snowscape taught by Weather setter tutor in Cinnabar Labs)
- TM08 Bulk Up -> Zen Headbutt (TM drop location remains same, Bulk Up added to Nasty Plot tutor)
- TM11 Sunny Day ->Supercell Slam (TM given after Creator fight, Sunny Day taught by Weather setter tutor in Cinnabar Labs)
- TM18 Rain Dance -> Hydro Pump (TM drop location remains same, Weather setter tutor in Cinnabar Labs)
- TM22 Solar Beam->Weather Ball (TM drop location remains same, Solar Beam tutor added to Cinnabar Labs move tutor)
- TM23 Iron Tail->Iron Head (TM drop location remains same)
- TM32 Solar Blade->Aura Sphere (TM Drop location remains same, all relevant mons that learn Focus Blast now learn aura sphere)
- TM37 Sandstorm ->High Horsepower (TM drop location remains same, Weather setter tutor in Cinnabar Labs)
- TM41 Dragon Dance->Liquidation (TM drop location remains same, Victory Road tutor teaches Dragon Dance)
- TM47 Steel Wing (No change to TM, but can be bought in Cerulean City mart now)
- TM48 Meteor Beam->Hurricane (TM drop in same location, Nasty Plot tutor teaches Meteor Beam)
- TM56 Hone Claws ->Air Slash (TM drop in same location, Vermilion tutor teaches Hone Claws now)
- TM57 Charge Beam->Temper Flare (TM drop in same location, Vermilion tutor teaches Charge Beam now)
- TM59 Dragon Pulse (No change to TM, but found in Safari Zone instead of TM47 Steel Wing)
- TM62 Silver Wind->Iron Tail (Same drop location)
- TM69 Rock Polish->Stomping Tantrum (TM drop in same location, Stomping Tantrum tutor in Pewter City teaches Rock Polish)
- TM75 Swords Dance->Knock Off (TM drop in same location, Swords Dance added to Nasty Plot tutor)
- TM76 Stealth Rock->Earth Power (TM drop in Safari Zone, Stealth Rock added to Cinnabar tutor)
- TM77 Flame Charge->Thunder Punch (TM drop in same location, Flame Charge added to new Cerulean City tutor)
- TM90 Substitute-> Gunk Shot (TM drop can be found in Cinnabar Mansion, Gunk Shot removed from Cinnabar tutor, Bug Catcher in Fuschia teaches Substitute through move tutor)
- TM98 Work Up->Fire Punch (TM drop in same location, Work Up added to new Vermilion City tutor)
- TM101 Power Up Punch->Ice Punch (TM drop in Route 9 to replace old low kick location, guy who used to give TM101 PUP gives Low Kick now instead. Power Up Punch is now taught by Vermilion tutor)
- TM105 Trailblaze->Psychic Noise (Same drop in Rocket Hideout, Trailblaze taught by new Cerulean City tutor)
- TM111 Smack Down->Vacuum Wave (Same drop in Cerulean Mart)
- TM113 Play Rough given by same guy in Celadon department store
- TM115 Body Press replaces TM01 drop in Silph Co, Victory Road tutor teaches Dragon Dance instead of Close Combat)
- TM119 Draco Meteor – Given by Clair upon defeat instead of TM59 Dragon Pulse. If you are updating on an old save and do not have it, you can talk to her again to receive it.
- Nearly all Pokemon that can learn Focus Blast can now learn Aura Sphere from TM
Pokemon General Changes
- A lot of the buffs from S/V DLC have been applied – since there were so many of them some may not be documented here…
- Cursed Body has been removed – it was pretty buggy and the ability itself is insignificant even if it was flavorful. So there’ve been changes to its respective Pokemon to ensure they’ve received another ability.
- The Toxic compatibility list for Hardcore Mode has been updated!
- Aggron can learn Supercell Slam from TM
- Ampharos can learn Draco Meteor from TM
- Archaludon Stalwart->Bad Company
- Armarouge can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Barbaracle learns Mighty Cleave at Level 57
- Baxcalibur can learn Scale Shot from TM, High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Blitzle-S, Zebstrika-S can learn Electroweb from TM
- Braviary-H can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Cacturne learns Lunge at Level 44
- Carnivine-S learns Barb Barrage at Level 56
- Cetitan can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Charizard can learn Draco Meteor from TM
- Chatot Ability 1 Frisk -> Punk Rock, learns Alluring Voice from Tutor
- Chesnaught can learn Knock Off, High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Coalossal learns Burning Bulwark at Level 54
- Cobalion can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Copperajah can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Corsola-G Cursed Body->Perish Body
- Darkrai Ability Bad Dreams now bypasses Sleep Clause
- Delcatty can learn Alluring Voice from Move Tutor
- Delibird can learn Flip Turn from TM
- Dreepy Cursed Body->Run Away
- Drakloak, Dragapult Cursed Body->Stalwart
- Dudunsparce learns Lunge at Level 1
- Eelektross learns Thunderclap at Level 58
- Eiscue can learn Flip Turn from TM
- Electivire can learn Trailblaze from TM, Knock Off from Move Tutor, received new signature item
- Empoleon learns Haze at Level 48, Air Slash, Vacuum Wave from TM
- Exeggutor-A learns Fickle Beam at Level 50
- Falinks learns Lunge at Level 48, can learn Knock Off, High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Fezandipiti Attack 91->71, SpA 70->91, can learn Draining Kiss, Defog, Venoshock, Sludge Wave from TM, learns Clear Smog from Level Up
- Flamigo learns Lunge at Level 33
- Florges can learn Misty Explosion from TM, learns Pollen Puff at Level 1
- Flygon can learn Stealth Rock from TM, Vacuum Wave from TM
- Frillish Cursed Body->Damp
- Froslass Cursed Body->Stakeout
- Furret learns Tidy Up at Level 52
- Galvantula learns Thunder Cage at Level 50
- Gardevoir can learn Vacuum Wave from TM, learns Psychic Noise at Level 31
- Gliscor learns Crabhammer at Level 48, Spikes and Toxic Spikes at Level 75, and can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Gogoat can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Golduck can learn Knock Off, Vacuum Wave from TM
- Goodra can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Goodra-H can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Granbull can learn Drain Punch from TM
- Grapploct learns Jet Punch at Level 75
- Great Tusk can learn Roar from TM
- Greedent can learn Knock Off and High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Greninja can learn Sludge Wave from TM
- Gumshoos can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Hariyama learns Upper Hand at Level 1
- Hatterene learns Moonblast at Level 54
- Hawlucha can learn Lunge from Egg Move
- Hydreigon learns Fickle Beam at Level 79
- Hypno Ability 2 None->Bad Dreams, learns Dark Void at Level 58. Bad Dreams now bypasses Sleep Clause
- Indeedee-F can learn Trick Room from TM
- Infernape learns Switcheroo at Level 45
- Inteleon can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Iron Crown Hidden Ability None->Sharpness, learns Secret Sword instead of Sacred Sword at Level 49
- Iron Thorns can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Iron Treads can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Iron Valiant can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Jynx can learn Alluring Voice from Move Tutor
- Keldeo can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Kommo-O can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Koraidon can learn Scale Shot, Heat Crash, Dual Wingbeat from TM
- Kricketune learns Lunge at Level 30 instead of X-Scissor
- Latios learns Flip Turn from TM
- Leavanny learns Lunge at Level 1, can learn Low Kick from TM
- Lilligant can learn Weather Ball from Move Tutor
- Litleo Hidden Ability Moxie->Adaptability [Now matches with Pyroar]
- Luvdisc learns Moonblast at Level 56
- Lycanroc-Dusk learns Mighty Cleave at Level 68
- Lycanroc Midday Frisk->Inner Focus
- Lycanroc-Midnight can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor, Upper Hand at level 1
- Magmar, Magmortar can learn Vacuum Wave from TM, Magmortar received new signature item
- Mamoswine can learn Trailblaze from TM
- Mantyke-S, Mantine-S can learn Electroweb from TM, Mantine-S learns Electro Shot at Level 64
- Metagross can learn Knock Off from TM
- Mienshao can learn Ice Spinner from TM
- Mincinno, Cinccino learn Tidy Up at Level 60
- Morpeko can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Munkidori can learn Teleport, Venoshock from TM, Mystical Fire from Move Tutor, learns Psychic Noise at Level 36
- Necrozma can learn Draco Meteor from TM
- Ninetales learns Healing Wish at Level 45
- Noibat-S, Noivern-S Ability Cursed Body->Rock Head
- Obstagoon can learn Supercell Slam from TM
- Oinkologne, Oinkologne-F can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Okidogi Ability Guard Dog-> Defiant, learns Mach Punch at Level 1, can learn Power Up Punch from TM
- Orthworm can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Passimian learns Upper Hand at Level 1
- Pawmot can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Pecharunt Poison Puppeteer->Toxic Chain
- Poliwrath can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Porygon-Z has new signature item
- Poltchageist, Sinistcha can learn Will-O-Wisp from TM
- Quaquaval can learn Triple Axel from TM
- Qwilfish learns Barb Barrage at Level 33
- Raichu Electric->Electric/Normal, learns Thunderclap on evolution and can learn Hyper Voice from TM
- Not much of a reason to evolve to pre 4.1 Raichu as it’s outclassed by Light Ball Pikachu and even its Alolan counterpart. Normal typing gives it STAB on Fake Out/Espeed, while Thunderclap & Hyper Voice would be a nice addition to Nasty Plot sets
- Raikou learns Electro Shot at Level 71
- Regigigas Hidden Ability None->Comatose
- Roaring Moon can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Samurott can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Samurott-H can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Sandslash can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Sawsbuck can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Sceptile learns Shed Tail at Level 85, Vacuum Wave from TM
- Scream Tail can learn Teleport, Misty Explosion from TM
- Shiftry can learn Taunt, Will-O-Wisp from TM, Vacuum Wave from TM, learns Toxic Spikes at Level 50
- Shuppet line Cursed Body->Wandering Soul
- Sinistea, Polteageist Cursed Body->Heatproof
- Slither Wing can learn Heat Crash from TM, High Horsepower from Move Tutor
- Snover Ability 1 Soundproof->Ice Body [Small bugfix]
- Steelix line can learn Supercell Slam from TM
- Sunflora received new signature item
- Swampert can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Tapu Koko can learn Supercell Slam from TM
- Tauros-P, Blaze Tauros-P, Aqua Tauros-P can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor, Low Kick and Brick Break from TM
- Teddiursa-S, Ursaring-S Hidden Ability Cursed Body->Iron Fist
- Terapagos HP 95->110 learns Boomburst at Level 60 instead of Tera Starstorm
- To compensate for not receiving its broken Tera Form, it received some HP buffs and Boomburst as an even stronger STAB option.
- Torterra can learn Grassy Glide from TM, Iron Defense from Move Tutor
- Toxicroak learns Upper Hand at Level 1
- Trevenant can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Turtonator learns Burning Bulwark at Level 57
- Tyranitar can learn Knock Off from Move Tutor
- Unown Hidden Ability None->Simple, Attack 72->48, SpA 72->96, Speed 72->96, also learns Ancient Power at Level 47
- Ursaluna-Blood Ability Mind Eye->Scrappy
- Vespiquen learns Lunge at Level 39
- Victreebel learns Barb Barrage at Level 1, Lunge at Level 36
- Vikavolt learns Thunderclap at Level 66
- Virizion can learn Vacuum Wave from TM
- Walking Wake can learn Flip Turn, Knock Off from TM
- Koffing, Weezing Hidden Ability None->Toxic Debris, can learn Gunk Shot from TM
- Weezing-G can learn Gunk Shot from TM
- Wigglytuff learns Alluring Voice at Level 27
- Wishiwashi-Seviian can learn Draco Meteor from TM
- Wyrdeer learns Lunge at Level 44
- Zamazenta can learn Roar from TM
- Zeraora can learn Supercell Slam from TM
Move/Ability Changes
- Forewarn replaced with Toxic Chain
- Supercell Slam 100 BP->120 BP
- Alluring Voice Move Tutor added, replaces Iron Defense in Saffron
- Ability Bad Dreams now bypasses Sleep Clause
Custom Shinies
Shiny odds updated from 1/4096->2/4096, Shiny Charm boost updated from 3/4096->6/4096
New code to encourage shiny hunting! “Shiny”. Redeem in NG+ Mystery Gift at the PokeCenter by talking to Nurse Joy.
- Altaria / Mega Altaria
- Annihilape
- Arboliva
- Armarouge
- Articuno
- Baxcalibur
- Blaziken
- Blissey
- Ceruledge
- Clefable Line
- Dewgong
- Donphan Line
- Dragonite
- Dugtrio Line
- Dugtrio-A Line
- Froakie, Frogadier
- Electivire
- Empoleon
- Ferrothorn
- Froslass
- Galvantula
- Garchomp / Mega Garchomp
- Gastrodon East and West
- Gengar
- Glaceon
- Gholdengo
- Golduck
- Grafaiai
- Great Tusk
- Hatterene
- Heatran
- Infernape
- Iron Crown
- Iron Hands
- Iron Jugulis
- Iron Moth
- Iron Treads
- Jolteon
- Kabutops Line
- Kommo’o Line
- Leafeon
- Lucario/Mega Lucario
- Lugia
- Machamp/Mega Machamp
- Magcargo line
- While Slugma was a fan favorite, it was changed for consistency to match the new Magcargo shiny.
- Magearna
- Mamoswine
- Marshadow
- Maushold
- Mega Latis
- Meganium line
- Meowscarada
- Mewtwo / Mega Mewtwo/X/Y
- Mismagious
- Moltres
- Nidoqueen
- Ogerpons
- Parasect Line
- Persian
- Persian-A
- Quaquaval
- Raging Bolt
- Regice
- Regidrago
- Regieleki
- Reshiram
- Salamence / Mega Salamence
- Sandslash-A Line
- Sandy Shocks
- Scizor / Mega Scizor
- Scream Tail
- Simipour line
- Simisage line
- Simisear line
- Slowbro-G
- Slowking-G
- Snorlax/Mega Snorlax
- Talonflame
- Tauros / All 3 Tauros-P Forms
- Tinkaton
- Torterra
- Vileplume
- Wyrdeer
- Zapdos
- Zekrom
Minor Evo Adjustments
- Farfetchd-G evolves to Sirfetchd at Level 30 instead of happiness
- Riolu evolves to Lucario at Level 30 instead of happiness
- Munchlax evolves to Snorlax at Level 30 instead of happiness
- Cosmoem evolves to Solgaleo/Lunala at Level 64 instead of 53
- Above changes were made since these Pokemon are more likely to be obtained early through the new Monotype Mystery Gift, so slight adjustments were made from preventing too much early game cheese
- Meowth-A evolves to Persian-A at Level 28 instead of through friendship
- Porygon evolves to Porygon2 by Link Cable instead of Upgrade
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Ability Pill not working in Ability Randomizer
- Fixed not being able to receive Nymble-S from Seviian Egg
- Updated cries for Paradox forms and several other S/V Pokemon that had placeholder cries
- Paradox forms now have a separate Dex entry
- Fixed Shed Tail substitute being wonky and disappearing visually
- Fixed Gems potentially causing a crash when attacks are used against abilities with immunities
- Functionality of Eviolite preventing Evolution has been removed
- This “feature” was more confusing than it was helpful, so we’ve decided to remove it
- Made the sliding battle intro sliding animation static to avoid consistency issues with the intro animation for wild grass
- Fixed ordering of the Gen 9 Pokedex
- Fixed Koffing not evolving to Weezing-G at night
- Fixed Indeedee Male Shiny
- Fixed Palafin follower sprite
- Fix some Strength Boulders in Seafoam Islands potentially resulting in a freeze
- Fixed Rare Candy forcing evolution feature not working on Lv 100 mons
- Fixed crash when interacting with Raid Den when you have a DexNav scan in progress
- Fixed Starter Egg giver having incorrect information about starters available
- Fixed spelling error in Primordial Sea ability description
- Fix Gossifleur cry being bugged
- Fixed Sizzlipede-S, Centiskorch-S not having a cry
- Fixed old Type textbox sticking out under the Type icon in TM Case
- Fixed Nurse outside Victory Road not refilling PokeVial
Battle Related Fixes
- Fixed Neutralizing Gas bugs (many of which were game breaking)
- Fixed Quark Drive/Protosynthesis not factoring in stat changes when picking highest stat
- Fixed Fillet Away incorrectly giving +6 Attack instead of +2
- Fixed Steel Roller working even when terrain isn’t present
- Fixed Tidy Up not removing hazards
- Fixed Toxic Debris bugs (sometimes Poison types weren’t absorbing Toxic Spikes set by Toxic Debris, among other things)
- Fixed Salt Cure affecting Shield Dust Pokemon
- Fixed Triple Axel/Population Bomb/Triple Kick not working with Loaded Dice
- Fixed Tough Claws not giving boost
- Fixed Charizard on Silph Co Rival having incorrect moveset
- Fixed Scale Shot sometimes not giving stat buffs
- Fixed Dragon Tail PP
- Fixed Aerial Ace, Cross Poison, Air Slash missing from Sharpness boosted moves
- Fixed Mold Breaker not affecting Earth Eater
- Fixed Pledge moves going through Ability immunities
- Fixed Primal Weather staying active during the entire battle if a base pokemon possesses Primal Weather and Mega Evolves.
- Fixed Quick Draw/Custap Berry trigger on switch or when running from battle
- Fixed White Herb not activating after a Pokemon switches in with Intimidate
- Fixed Rage Fist counter not updating properly in Double Battles with Spread moves
- Fixed Flash and Sandsear Storm not being boosted by Sheer Force
- Fixed Flash being affected by Magic Coat
- Fixed some Gen 9 Pokemon giving 1 exp
Move Compatibility Fixes
- Fixed Cloyster being unable to learn Drill Run from Move Tutor
- Fixed Murkrow being unable to learn Nasty Plot, Hurricane from Move Tutor
- Fixed Deoxys forms being unable to learn Toxic
- Fixed Sneasler/Sneasel-H being unable to learn U-turn, Acrobatics
- Fixed Cofagrigus being unable to learn Toxic from TM
- Fixed Sandyghast, Palossand being unable to learn Will-O-Wisp from TM, Hex from Move Tutor
- Fix Avalugg-H being unable to learn Stone Edge from TM
- Fixed Iron Moth being unable to learn Sludge Bomb
- Fixed Iron Valiant being unable to learn Swords Dance
General Changes
- New Dex! Check out https://radicaldex.pixelslug.eu/ for the up to date pokemon changes! [Huge huge thank you to Ash and Yda for setting this up!]
- Added all Gen 9 Pokemon (including Iron Leaves & Walking Wake) and Gen 9 Moves/Abilities
- Revival Blessing, Doodle, Order Up, and Spicy Extract are currently unimplemented so their respective Pokemon cannot learn them.
- Tidy Up currently doesn’t remove hazards/substitute
- To save space, the Paradox Pokemon use the same cries as their contemporary forms & have the same Dex numbers.
- Tera is not implemented
- Mycellium Might, Guard Dog, Costar, Opportunist, Commander, Cud Chew are not implemented
- Protean, Dauntless Shield, Intrepid Sword, and Battle Bond nerfs from Gen 9 were not applied!
- Hail has been updated to snow in Gen 9. No longer causes residual damage at end of turn, but boosts defense of Ice types by 50%. Snow no longer boosts the chances of frostbite.
- Various (mostly useless) abilities were removed to fit Gen 9 abilities: Klutz, Aura Break, Pastel Veil, Color Change, Anticipation, Mirror Armor, Power Spot, Healer
- Blademaster has been changed to Sharpness from Gen 9, which boosts the power of slashing/cutting moves by 50%.
- Gym rematches are now required in non-Hardcore mode before fighting Koga (Brock, Misty, Surge)
- Pewter City Gym has sand in overworld for rematch
- Cerulean City Gym rains in overworld for rematch
- Surge has auto electric terrain for rematch
- Erika has auto grassy terrain for rematch
- Route 20 now has permanent snow [Pryce Location]
- Cinnabar Gym has sun in overworld
- Buff to partner Lance in the Gio 3 Tag fight to be less frustrating
- Fishing will now never fail
- EZCatch cheat code allows every ball to have 100% catch rate
- Surge no longer gives Light Clay in rematch, can now be found across Celadon City pond
- Celadon Starter Eggs have all starters in its pool now [Including gen9!]
- Route 21 opens up from Pallet Town after receiving Pokedex for a small patch of grass for additional early game encounters.
- Additional new area in Viridian Forest with additional encounters
- Replace Hisuian Egg option from Egg Giver to Paldean Eggs
- Can now go into Stat Scanner straight from the summary screen (including in battle and in PC)
- Added evolution methods viewable in Stat Scanner
- Add Gen 9 moves to Learnset Randomizer
- Made Anti-AI abuse in Hardcore Mode more lenient
- Cerulean Cave Tyranitarite->Diancite
- Remove Diancite from One Island rewards
- Nerd in Saffron House sells EV Training Gear, Destiny Knot. Old EV training NPCs in various areas removed.
- Reinserted the battle textbox to fix trades/egg hatching crashing on Bizhawk/real hardware, big shoutouts to Plaininsane for helping out with this
- Erika no longer gives Snivy on rematch
- Islet in Route 24 now has Tyranitarite
- Mega Stone giver in Route 16 no longer gives Hoenn Mega Stones, only Kanto
- Brendan gives Sceptilite instead of Destiny Knot at his fight before Victory Road
- May gives Blazikenite instead of Torchic as reward after Cinnabar fight
- Misty gives Finizen as rematch gift instead of Froakie
- Zygarde-10 award at One Island changed to Booster Energy
- Roamers Raikou/Entei/Suicune/Meloetta/Victini -> Chien Pao/Wo Chien/Ting Lu/Chi Yu/Walking Wake
- Add Frigibax to Game Corner
- Changed Chuck Reward from Crabrawler/Clobbopus->Aqua Breed Tauros/Blaze Breed Tauros
- Improve Raid Den sprite – Thanks to Plaininsane!
- Meteorite at Pewter Museum now changes Deoxys form
- Cinnabar scientist now gives DNA Splicers if you show him Reshiram Kyurem or Zekrom
- Update Hisuian mon evolution methods so they don’t require ‘Hisuian’ potential (evolution methods reflected in Stat Scanner).
- Setting Hisuian potential by NPC in Saffron removed
- Hisuian Ball now a Pokeball you can switch to
- Celadon Dream Ball drop->Loaded Dice
- Second Seviian Egg in Fuschia pokecenter
- Moved fossil shard guy to Vermillion Fan Club + moved up evolutions to be a bit earlier for a lot of the fossil mons
TM Changes
- Pokemart in Cerulean now has a different stock of TMs added in this update
- Icy Wind, Pluck, Snarl, Aerial Ace, Smack Down
- TM15 Electroweb available in new Viridian Forest area
- Add TM56 Hone Claws to Game Corner
- TM40 Aerial Ace->Low Kick
- TM15 Hyper Beam->Electroweb
- TM87 Swagger->Aerial Ace
- TM in Rocket Hideout -> TM105 Trailblaze
- Short Kid in Route 14->Item drop TM02 Dragon Claw
- Small area past the water in Viridian City now has TM120 Ice Spinner
- Brendan gives TM68 Dual Chop in Silph Co instead of Treecko
- Psyshock TM in Underground Path in easy/normal mode only
- Route 7-8
- Mudkip Kid now gives TM Earthquake as first reward instead of Mudkip
Pokemon General Changes
- Altaria can learn Will-O-Wisp from TM
- Annihilape can learn
- Focus Punch from TM
- Iron Tail from TM
- Dual Chop from TM
- Work Up from TM
- Power-Up Punch from TM
- Strength from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Araquanid learns Wave Crash at Level 50
- Arboliva can learn
- Draining Kiss from TM
- Grassy Glide from TM
- Arbok learns Shed Tail at Level 69
- Arcanine-H and Growlithe-H learn Wild Charge from ™
- Arctozolt 80 Speed->55 Speed, SpDef 55->80 (revert to vanilla)
- Armaldo Ability 2 None->Skill Link, HP 75->100, SpA 70->45,
- can learn Pin Missile from move tutor
- Articuno learns
- Haze at Level 1,
- Bleakwind Storm at Level 60
- Articuno-G, Zapdos-G, Moltres-G learn Tailwind at Level 1
- Banette can learn Swords Dance from TM
- Baxcalibur can learn
- Snowscape from TM
- Dual Chop from TM
- Stone Edge from TM
- Draco Barrage from TM
- Rock Slide from TM
- Frost Breath from TM
- Strength from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Basculegion, Basculegion-F Ability Reckless->Swift Swim
- learns Wave Crash at Level 60
- Beartic can learn Earthquake from TM
- Beautifly learns Silk Trap at Level 20
- Beldum Hidden Ability None->Magnet Pull
- Bellibolt can learn
- Electroweb from TM
- Teleport from TM
- Rising Voltage from TM
- Surf from TM
- Bombirdier HP 70->85, can learn
- Defog from TM
- Smack Down fromTM
- Bouffalant learns Raging Bull at Level 36
- Brambleghast can learn Poltergeist from TM
- Breloom can learn
- Bulldoze from TM
- Gunk Shot from Move Tutor
- Bronzong learns Spin Out at Level 54
- Brute Bonnet Hidden Ability None->Poison Heal, can learn
- Leaf Blade at Level 49 instead of Giga Drain
- Earthquake from TM
- Grassy Glide from TM
- Knock Off from Tutor
- Camerupt learns Hydro Steam at Level 56
- Carracosta learns
- Salt Cure at Level 4
- Wave Crash at Level 51
- Centiskorch-S can learn Smack Down from TM
- Celebi learns Lumina Crash at Level 34
- Ceruledge can learn
- Solar Blade from TM
- Poltergeist from TM
- Cetitan can learn
- Snowscape from TM
- Stealth Rock from TM
- Frost Breath from TM
- Strength from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Chesnaught learns Body Press from TM
- Cinderace can learn Swords Dance from TM
- Coalossal learns Hydro Steam at Level 47
- Corsola learns Salt Cure at Level 1
- Crabominable learns Gigaton Hammer at Level 54
- Cyclizar can learn
- Draco Barrage from TM
- Scale Shot from TM
- Delphox can learn Focus Blast from TM
- Dhelmise Steelworker->Steely Spirit
- Dialga can learn Focus Blast from TM
- Dondozo can learn Bulldoze from TM
- Drapion Attack 80->90 [Reverted to Vanilla]
- Dudunsparce can learn
- Iron Tail from TM
- Dragon Dance from TM
- Charge Beam from TM
- Thunder Wave from TM
- Gyro Ball from TM
- Scale Shot from TM
- Dual Wingbeat from TM
- Strength from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Dugtrio, Dugtrio-A can learn Swords Dance from TM
- Eelektross can learn
- Stomping Tantrum from Move Tutor
- Liquidation from Move Tutor
- Close Combat from Move Tutor
- Electivire Electric/Fighting -> Electric, Ability 2 None->Vital Spirit Attack 113->123, SpA 105->95, can learn
- Drain Punch from TM
- Sunflora Grass/Fire->Grass, can learn
- Spiky Shield on Evolution instead of Flame Burst
- Sleep Powder at Level 7 instead of Grass whistle
- Developer’s note: Sunflora and Electivire were initially changed to their respective typings because they were unique typings on top of the fact that the typings made some sense thematically. Given the release of Gen 9, these typings were not only matched by Scovillain/Pawmot, but their niches nearly identical with similar stat spreads and main abilities. Because of this, we’ve decided to make the unfortunate decision to revert these Pokemon to their original typing.
- Empoleon learns Make It Rain at Level 54
- Espeon can learn Power Gem from Move Tutor
- Esper Wing removed from Latios/Latias, Articuno-G, Lunala learnsets
- Espratha can learn
- Future Sight from TM
- Acrobatics from TM
- Fly from TM
- Farigiraf HA Cud Chew->Parental Bond, can learn
- Iron Tail from TM
- Reflect from TM
- Expanding Force from TM
- Work Up from TM
- Strength from HM
- Flash from HM
- Cut from HM
- Feraligatr learns
- Aqua Tail on evolution
- Triple Dive at level 52
- Flamigo HP 82->92, SpDef 64->74, can learn
- Defog from TM
- Triple Axel from TM
- Pluck from TM
- Dual Wingbeat from TM
- Flygon learns Sandsear Storm at Level 56
- Forretress learns Spin Out at Level 54
- Furfrou learns
- Body Slam from Move Tutor
- Stomping Tantrum from Move Tutor
- Thunder Fang from Move Tutor
- Ice Fang from Move Tutor
- Fire Fang from Move Tutor
- Psychic Fangs from Move Tutor
- Play Rough from Move Tutor
- Gallade learns Aqua Cutter at Level 1
- Galarian Ponyta/Rapidash Pastel Veil->Immunity, Anticipation -> Flash Fire
- Garchomp can learn
- Thunder Fang from Move Tutor
- Liquidation from Move Tutor
- Gastrodon can learn Stealth Rock from TM
- Girafarig HA Parental Bond->Inner Focus (Parental Bond on Farigiraf!),
- Girafarig no longer learns Boomburst
- Golduck can learn Power Gem from Move Tutor
- Golurk learns Rage Fist at Level 63
- Grafaiai learns
- Double–Edge at Level 54
- Sketch at Level 82
- Granbull learns Raging Bull at Level 48
- Greninja can learn Swords Dance from TM
- Groudon can learn
- Will-O-Wisp from TM
- Rock Blast from TM
- Body Press from TM
- Grumpig can learn
- Dazzling Gleam from TM
- Earth Power from Move Tutor,
- Haxorus can learn
- Glaive Rush at Level 66
- Iron Head from Move Tutor
- Heatran can learn Power Gem from Move Tutor
- Hisuian Braviary HA Competitive->Tinted Lens
- Hitmontop learns Spin Out at Level 42 instead of Gyro Ball
- Hitmonlee learns Aqua Step at Level 54
- Hitmonchan learns Jet Punch at Level 1
- Houndstone can learn
- Shadow Claw from TM
- Poltergeist from TM
- Cut from HM
- Strength from HM
- Huntail learns Wave Crash at Level 64
- Hydreigon can learn Stealth Rock from TM
- Impidimp now learns Parting Shot from Egg Move
- Iron Bundle can learn Surf from HM
- Iron Hands can learn
- Plasma Fists at Level 56
- Knock Off from Tutor
- Iron Jugulis learns
- Aeroblast at Level 77
- Nasty Plot from Move Tutor
- Iron Leaves Hidden Ability None->Sharpness, learns
- Bullet Seed from TM
- Psychic from TM
- Teleport from TM
- Grassy Glide from TM
- Expanding Force from TM
- Cut from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Iron Thorns Hidden Ability None->Solid Rock, can learn
- Bolt Strike at Level 8
- Accelerock at Level 49 instead of Sandstorm
- Iron Valiant can learn Dual Chop from TM
- Kilowattrel can learn
- Electroweb from TM
- Defog from TM
- Steel Wing from TM
- Rising Voltage from TM
- Flash from HM
- Heat Wave from tutor
- Kingambit can learn
- Rock Polish from TM
- Aerial Ace from TM
- Power-Up Punch from TM
- Cut from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Klawf can learn
- Hone Claws from TM
- Rock Polish from TM
- Superpower from TM
- Body Press from TM
- Cut from HM
- Strength from HM
- Klinklang Steelworker->Steely Spirit
- Krookodile can learn Gunk Shot from Move Tutor
- Koraidon can learn
- Dual Chop from TM
- Draco Barrage from TM
- Landorus can learn Nasty Plot from Move Tutor
- Landorus, Tornadus, Thunderus learn respective moves at Lvl 58
- Lokix can learn
- Dual Chop from TM
- Triple Axel from TM
- Ludicolo learns Aqua Step at Level 40
- Lunatone learns Lumina Crash at Level 29
- Lycanroc Midnight learns Stone Axe at Level 37 instead of Scary Face
- Magcargo can learn Body Press by TM
- Magmortar learns Hydro Steam at Level 62
- Maractus learns Flower Trick at Level 45
- Maushold can learn Acrobatics from TM
- Meowscarada can learn
- Dig from TM
- Grassy Glide from TM
- Triple Axel from TM
- Work Up from TM
- Power-Up Punch from TM
- Cut from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Metang/Metagross Hidden Ability None->Tough Claws
- Mewtwo can learn
- Power Gem from Move Tutor
- Earth Power from Move Tutor
- Muk, Muk-A can learn Drain Punch from ™
- Oinkologne can learn
- Earthquake from TM
- Snarl from TM
- Orthworm learns
- Heavy Slam at level 56
- Brick Break from TM
- Dragon Tail from TM
- Power-Up Punch from TM
- Superpower from TM
- Strength from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Palafin can learn
- Scald from TM
- Body Press from TM
- Strength from HM
- Pawmot can learn
- Electroweb from TM
- Drain Punch from TM
- Power–Up Punch from TM
- Strength from HM
- Pidgey line Hidden Ability None->No Guard
- Poliwrath learns Jet Punch at Level 56
- Primeape can learn Stealth Rock from TM
- Pyroar learns Torch Song at Level 70
- Qwilfish HP 65->80, Ability 1 Prankster->Toxic Debris
- Quaquaval can learn
- Focus Punch from TM
- Flip Turn from TM
- Defog from TM
- Shadow Claw from TM
- Dual Chop from TM
- Scald from TM
- Pluck from TM
- Strength from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Waterfall from HM
- Quagsire can learn Stealth Rock from TM
- Rabsca can learn
- U-turn from TM
- Teleport from TM
- Meteor Beam from TM
- Future Sight from TM
- Rayquaza learns
- U-turn from TM
- Stealth Rock from TM
- Regirock Salt Cure Level 58
- Registeel has had Double Iron Bash moved to level 66
- Regidrago can learn Earthquake from TM, Earth power from Move Tutor
- Relicanth learns Wave Crash at Level 53
- Revavroom can learn
- Stealth Rock from TM
- Flame Charge from TM
- Sludge Wave from TM
- Heat Crash from TM
- Body Press from TM
- U-Turn from TM
- Strength from HM
- Rock Smash from HM
- Roaring Moon can learn
- Draco Barrage from TM
- Samurott-H learns Sucker Punch at Level 58
- Sandy Shocks Hidden Ability None->Water Compaction
- can learn Electroweb from TM
- Scolipede can learn
- Mortal Spin at Level 1
- Gunk Shot from tutor
- Scovillain Attack 108->78, Sp Attack 108->118, HP 65->85, can learn
- Taunt from TM
- Solar Blade from TM
- Defog from TM
- Grassy Glide from TM
- Flame Charge from TM
- Scorching Sands from TM
- Scream Tail Hidden Ability None->Tangling Hair, Attack 75->65, SpA 65->85, can learn Moonblast at Level 77
- Seismitoad learns Wave Crash at Level 56
- Shiftry Ability Early Bird -> Wind Rider
- learns Ceaseless Edge at Level 1
- Skeledirge can learn
- Bulldoze from TM
- Scorching Sands from TM
- Slither Wing Hidden Ability None->Multiscale
- Sneasler Ability 2 Pressure -> Unburden
- learns U-turn from TM
- Spectrier can learn Draining Kiss, Psychic from TM
- Spidops HP 60->85, Attack 79->89, SpA 52->32, can learn
- Arm Thrust at Level 1
- Sucker Punch at level 17
- First Impression at level 22
- Spikes at level 42
- Toxic Spikes at level 45
- Electroweb from TM
- Hone Claws from TM
- Silver Wind from TM
- Dual Chop from TM
- Steelix learns Spin Out at Level 58
- Squawkabilly can learn
- Defog from TM
- Pluck from TM
- Dual Wingbeat from TM
- Acrobatics from TM
- Stonjourner Power Spot-> Rocky Payload
- Tapu Bulu can learn Grassy Glide from TM
- Tatsugiri Base HP 68->78, Def 60->70. can learn
- Scald from TM
- Flip Turn from TM
- Draco Barrage from TM
- Waterfall from HM
- Tauros learns Raging Bull at Level 35
- Tinkaton Attack 75->85, Def 77->87
- Toedscool line can learn Power Gem from tutor
- Tropius Ability 2 Solar Power -> Wind Rider. learns
- U-turn from TM
- Body Press from TM
- Turtonator learns Armor Cannon at Level 49
- Urshifus can learn Swords Dance from TM
- Veluza can learn
- Flip Turn from TM
- Cut from HM
- Volcanion learns Hydro Steam at Level 70
- Walking Wake learns
- Draco Barrage from TM
- Scald from TM
- Whiscash can learn
- Wave Crash at Level 72
- Stealth Rock from TM
- Wugtrio Attack 100->115, Spa 50->35, can learn
- Earthquake from TM
- Scald from TM
- Ice Spinner from TM
- Zangoose learns Agility at Level 45
- Zarude can learn Swords Dance from TM
- Zygarde-10 Power Construct->Inner Focus
Move/Ability Changes
- Armor Cannon boosted by Mega Launcher
- Blademaster->Sharpness, now boosts 1.5x for sword/slash moves instead of 1.2x, +1 crit ratio
- Bleakwind Storm now has 20% chance to inflict frostbite, Springtide Storm can’t miss in rain
- Bleakwind Storm, 80 Acc->90 Acc
- Chloroblast 120 BP->150 BP + takes 50% in recoil instead of 33%
- Dire Claw 70 BP->80 BP and regains sleep back
- Esper Wing New Effect 80 BP 100 Acc Special Psychic Move with High Critical Hit Ratio and gives +1 Speed
- Following changes have been made since Hail got buffed in transition to Snowstorm:
- No end of turn damage, boosts Ice Type Defense by 50%
- Remove Frostbite chance being 2x likely in Snowstorm
- Remove Frostbite dealing more residual damage in Snowstorm
- Glacial Lance 130 BP ->120 BP
- Grassy Glide 70 BP->60 BP
- Psyshield Bash 40% to raise defense->100%
- Raging Bull: Type based on Primary Type rather than species specific (Raging Bull is Fairy for Granbull, Normal for Bouff/Tauros, Water/Fire for respective Tauros-P forms)
- Recovering moves PP nerfs applied (All have 5 PP)
- Sandsear Storm80 Acc->90 Acc
- Spin Out BP 100->110 BP
- Springtide Storm 80 Acc->90 Acc
- Unbanned Storm Drain, Motor Drive from HC mode
- Wicked Blow BP 80->75 BP
- Wildbolt Storm 80 Acc->90 Acc
Pokemon Evolution Changes
- Bisharp evolves into Kingambit at level 50
- Cubone evolves to Marowak/Marowak-A based on time of day(rather than separate marowak species)
- Exeggcute evolves to Exeggutor Alolan through Sun Stone
- Koffing evolves to Weezing/Weezing-G based on time of day (rather than separate koffing-g species)
- Mr-Mime Jr G evolves to Mr-Mime-G through Ice Stone
- Pawmi evolves at 16, Pawmo evolves at 32
- Tinkatink evolves at 23 rather than 24
- Wugtrio evolves at level 22
Raid Changes
- Mt Moon Raids starting at 3 stars->6 stars now have Regirock/Registeel/Regice
- Pokemon Mansion 5 Stars Necrozma/Spectrier/Regidrago -> Hoopa/Spectrier/Regidrago
- Pokemon Mansion 6 Stars Genesect/Tapu Lele/Diancie -> Tapu Lele
- Power Plant 5 stars Dracozolt/Arctozolt/Regieleki -> Zeraora/Regieleki/Iron Valiant
- Power Plant 6 stars Tapu Koko/Zeraora/Genesect -> Tapu Koko
- Route 10 raids starting at 4 stars->6 stars now have Uxie/Mesprit/Azelf
- Route 13 Raids starting at 5 stars->6 stars now have Victini/Volcanion/Cresselia
- Route 16 Raids starting at 4 stars->6 stars now have Diancie/Zygarde-10/Iron-Thorns
- Route 2 Raids starting at 4 stars->6 stars now have Entei/Suicune/Raikou
- Route 25 Raids starting at 4 stars->6 stars now have Necrozma/Celebi/Calyrex
- Victory Road 5 stars Regirock/Registeel/Regice/Uxie/Mesprit -> Meloetta/Jirachi/Genesect
- Victory Road 6 stars Hoopa/Cresselia/Zygarde/Jirachi/Volcanion -> Zygarde
- Viridian Forest 5 stars Calyrex/Zarude/Shaymin -> Iron Leaves/Zarude/Shaymin
- Viridian Forest 6 stars Celebi/Tapu Bulu/Azelf -> Tapu Bulu
Critical Bug Fixes From 3.1
- The PokeVial Sturdy puzzle bug has been fixed
- Freezing while hatching eggs on real hardware/Bizhawk has been fixed
- Water Absorb not working on Water Gem has been fixed
- Cursed body now works correctly on AI
- Neutralizing Gas no longer causes weird glitches
- Player’s Pokemon can no longer accidentally transforms in the Cerulean Cave Giovanni Fight/Pryce Seafoam fight
- Fix New Game Plus code not giving Gyaradosite
- Fix New Game Plus Seviian code missing some Seviians
- Mystery Gift option added to Pokemon Center aide:
- New Game Plus adds additional Mystery Gift options:
- Seviian: Receive all 1st stage Seviian forms at Level 5
- Mega: Receive Mega Ring + all Mega Stones, can only receive after 3 Gym Badges.
- Random6: Receive 6 Random first-stage mons.
- You can only redeem it once, but you can reset it if you don’t like what you get. Guaranteed no duplicates, but you can get duplicates of regional variants, as in, you can get both Rattata and Rattata-a)
- Puzzle: No need to complete Puzzles, talk to the respective NPCs to receive your reward
- A significant amount of AI improvements
- Improved Hall of Fame screen (misc info shows on the screen with confetti now, and looks slightly cleaner). Mega Pokemon are displayed in the Hall of Fame if applicable (along with other special forms like Ash-Gren, Zygarde-C, etc)
- Revamped intro screen (the part that asks for Difficulty/Randomizer options)
- Updated DexNav (includes fishing mons and more details, some bug fixes like actually shows if the registered encounter is holding an item), Level Bonus has returned and is capped at Level Cap
- Updated textbox to Black and White style (Credits to Green Jerry)
- Updated party screen to Black and White style (Credits to Kiy, usigusom, (), 黒インク)
- Updated HP Bar, Status Icons (Credits to VentZX and Plaininsane for quick correction)
- Updated in-battle textbox
- Added Decorate, Coaching, Dire Claw, Mountain Gale, Psyshield Bash, Mystical Power
- Coaching egg move for Croagunk, Passimian. Banned in HC
- Decorate only for Alcremie on Evolution. Banned in HC
- Dire Claw 70 BP 100 Acc Poison Physical Move with high crit-ratio that has a 50% chance to either paralyze, poison, or burn. Learned by Sneasler on evolution.
- Psyshield Bash 70 BP 100 Acc Psychic Physical Move with 40% chance to boost Defense upon hit. Learned by Stantler/Wyrdeer at Level 17, Metang, Metagross at Level 32, Bronzong on Evolution
- Mystical Power 70 BP 100 Acc Psychic Special Move that boosts Attack/SpA or Defense/SpDef depending on which stat is higher, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit learn at Level 42
- Mountain Gale 120 Power 90 Acc Ice Physical Move with 30% chance to flinch, Avalugg, Avalugg-H learn at Level 53, Abomasnow learns at Level 64, Glastrier learns at Level 66
- Species, Learnset, Ability randomizer now available in Hardcore/Restricted Mode
- More randomness for move/ability randomizer
- Before, there was a 1-1 mapping with moves/abilities in the move/ability randomizer. So, for instance, Ember would always end up being Surf for all applicable Pokemon that learned Ember, or Huge Power would always turn into Moxie for all applicable Pokemon. Now, this is not the case.
- Move Relearner in Pokemon Learnset Randomizer is now fixed to show randomized moves
- Updated in-battle text box
- Updated in-battle type icons, along with the move menu
- Added PSS Icons in TM Case + Move Relearner screen
- Updated a significant amount of move animations
- Ability descriptions now take up 2 lines and have more precise info (Thanks to GreenPhx)
- Added purple color in ability name to indicate that Pokemon has its Hidden Ability
- Play time is now synced to RTC (so unaffected by speedup)
- Added button shortcuts for multiple registered key-items screen
- Updated Frostbite animation
- Updated Mega Evolution Animation
- Added in battle team preview, only shows mons that the enemy has revealed
- New Team Preview (Code: TeamPreview) cheat that reveals all enemy mons.
- Added in-battle shortcut for best possible Pokeball to use in Wild Battles
- Enemy trainers now also have a Pokeball throw animation
- Added Wishiwashi-Si, Dodrio-S, Milotic-S follower sprite
- Magma Armor/Minimal Grinding Mode enables even faster Egg hatching
- Tapping L or R in bag helps you skip through items quicker
- Pickup items go straight to bag
- Added prompt to take item from wild Pokemon after catch
- Added Friendship Heart in summary screen that displays Pokemon’s happiness level
- Added color to trainer name depending on gender in mon summary screen
- Added Bashful, Gentle, Lax to Nature Changer
- Quick Draw Ability added, Slowbro-G and Magmortar receive it
- Yamask-g, Runerigus has Wandering Spirit instead of Mummy (Ability was broken so Mummy was a placeholder until now)
- In battle bag text is now grayed out when the bag is disabled
- Miniboss trainers don’t randomize in randomizer mode (this was causing jarring fights with randomized Pokemon with the original mons learnsets)
- Nugget Bridge trainers turned into somewhat formidable trainers (3 Doubles, 2 Singles)
- 3 trainers before Blaine in Cinnabar Gym are now mandatory with formidable teams
- Changes to various trainers in Hardcore Mode
- Reduced levels on the trainer minibosses in Easy Mode
- Lowered difficulty of the weather route trainers on Normal/Easy mode
- Ace Gym trainer in Celadon Gym turned into mini-boss in Hardcore Mode
- Added small noise when egg hatches
- Makuhita->Dunsparce Mt Moon at night (Dunsparce was unencounterable in 3.0…)
- Rotom learns Disarming Voice at level 1
- Geodude line, Golem line learn Rapid Spin at Level 1
- Sceptile learns Breaking Swipe on Evolution instead of Dual Chop, now learns Dual Chop at Level 69
- Dragalge evolves at Level 44 instead of Level 48
- Removed Lightscreen/Reflect timers in the in-battle meta detail viewer (had weird palette issues with the new move menu)
- Exp bar speed is now instantaneous if you go from 0 exp -> next level
- Now need to retrieve Morty Mega Stone before getting Tri Pass (prevents being locked out of Gengarite in postgame)
- Updated Raid Den overworld sprite (Credits to Plaininsane)
- Updated Pheromosa front sprite, Hisuian Decidueye, Hisuian Typhlosion, Hisuian Zorua, Kleavor, Ursaluna back & front sprites, Calyrex icon sprites
- Updated cries for Hisuian Pokemon
- Fixed glitch where leveling up in battle in certain scenarios caused a crash
- Fixed Gorilla Tactics having incorrect text when clicking a move that isn’t locked in
- Fixed some issues with Cramorant Gulp Missile
- Fixed Big Root healing for more than intended
- Fixed transparency issue with Enamorus backsprite
- Fixed transparency issue with Zubat front sprite
- Fixed Double Battles bug where it freezes when you try to click with choice locked move
- Fixed Double Battle move highlighting
- Fixed Jump Kick miss causing berry not activating correctly
- Fixed some post Vermillion raids not showing encounters if you sequence break (skip surge and go to celadon/saffron areas)
- Fixed Mt Ember Archer having level 1 mons in Hardcore Mode
- Fixed being able to use bag in-battle for Berry Forest, Lavender Tower post-game battles
- Fixed Wormadam Trash not learning mirror shot on evo in hardcore mode
- Fixed Rhyperior, Lopunny, Rotom forms OWs having weird, washed out palette
- Fixed Stantler not being able to receive Hisuian potential from Saffron npc
- Fixed TM case showing species instead of egg
- Fixed Parasect follower
- Fixed Ceaseless Edge having 0 dynamax bp
- Fixed Ursaluna not being able to learn dig/shadow claw from TM
- Fixed Samurott-H not being able to learn Aerial Ace
- Fixed not being to unlock red on HC mode battle sim
- Fixed G-Max Phantasm causing the weird palette issue
- Fixed Throat Spray not activating in doubles if it didn’t affect second mon with spread move
- Fixed Throat Spray activating on following party mon using Parting Shot
- Fixed being able to fish facing your follower
- Fixed Round causing strange glitches in Double Battles
- Fixed Sleep Talk Last Resort not working with Comatose
- Fixed using Dexnav in Sandstorm routes causing visual bugs
- Fixed exploit where stepping on script being skipped with Dexnav stuff
- Fixed Wishiwashi Seviian being unable to learn Hex from Move Tutor
- Fixed Slowbro-G, Slowking-G, Slowbro, Slowking, Slowpoke-G being unable to learn Foul Play from Move Tutor
- Fixed Super Nerd Overworld sprite
- Fix Weather Ball showing incorrect type in summary screen
- Fixed Celadon not working as last possible heal
- Fixed some odd discoloration on the Stat Scanner screen (around Pokemon name area)
- Fixed Cradily on Erika’s HC team not having Storm Drain
- Fixed Scrafty on Gio 3 Normal team not having Intimidate
v3.02 (quick-fix)
- -Can now see TM compatibilities within TM Case (Thanks to Greenphx, thexaman)
- Following mons automatically stop following when loading save between updates, please remember to go back to Viridian City Pokemon Center to re-enable them
- Added followers for Tentacool, Tentacruel, Whiscash, Kricketune, Ditto, Amoonguss, Toxicroak, Bisharp, Parasect, Chandelure, Ash-Gren, Roserade, Golduck, Mega Machamp, Celebi, Dracozolt, Arctozolt, Arctovish, Mamoswine, Magikarp, Greedent, Rotom, Rotom-Wash, Rotom-Heat, Rotom-Frost, Rotom-Fan, Rotom-Mow, Blissey, Smeargle, Rhyperior, Spiritomb, Chimecho, Zoroark-H
- Fixed Hardcore/Restrict Mode ability popups being the wrong ability on AI
- Removed Instant HP (was unpopular and buggy trying to toggle it on and off so removing it for now)
- Minor changes to various battles in both Hardcore and Normal Mode
- Added new Rotom form change when talking to machine in Oak’s Lab/Cinnabar Lab, removed Rotom evolving through stones. Need to have Rotom as follower while talking to machine to trigger form change.
- Updated attack animations for Thunder Cage, Glacial Lance, Bitter Malice, Ceaseless Edge, Misty Explosion, Astral Barrage, Dynamax Cannon, Shell Side Arm, Barb Barrage, Scale Shot; Credits to Evan and Greenphx
- Shortened Meteor Beam Dark Hole animation
- Added earlier, easier way to get Mega Lucario (talk to Lucario guy in Celadon with a Lucario when you have Lucario follower after you beat Koga)
- Added Munna encounter in Mt Moon at Night (Smoochum->Munna at night), Meditite in Mt Moon->Elgyem, Route 3 Flabebe->Nickit (These were unobtainable on accident in 3.0), 1% encounter to Rookidee in Route 4 (Yanma->Rookidee for earlier potential Corviknight), Rotom has 2% encounter on Floor 7 of Pokemon Tower (replacing Lampent)
- Added New PLA Move Esper Wing (40 BP Psychic Special Move, +1 Priority, 10% Chance to Lower Spec Def so it’s boosted by Sheer Force). Braviary-H learns on Evo, Noctowl, Natu/Xatu, Articuno-G, Woobat/Swoobat, Latios/Latias, Lunala learn at Level 1
- Court Change implemented – Cinderace learns at Level 62, Passimian learns at Level 54, Voltorb, Voltorb-H, Electrode, Electrode-H learn at Level 57 (Banned in Hardcore/Restricted Mode)
- Rufflet evolves to Braviary (or Braviary-H when with Hisuian potential) at Level 36 instead of 44, Lumineon evolves at Level 23 instead of 27
- Flareon HA Guts->Toxic Boost, Defense 60->70 (had 10 less BST than other eeveelutions for some reason so just a minor change/fix, Toxic Boost receives no poison damage in RR so this is a neat small buff)
- Mega Ampharos Hidden Ability Thick Fat->Mold Breaker (Still has Thick Fat as Ability 1)
- Corphish evolves to Crawdaunt at Level 28 instead of 30
- Gogoat can learn Bullet Seed from TM
- Basculegion (Both forms) learn Spirit Shackle at Level 54
- Minun learns Fake Out at level 54
- Arcanine-H learns Headlong Rush at Level 60
- Wishiwashi-Sevi can learn Earth Power from Move Tutor
- Improved Lumineon, Braviary-H learnsets
- Renamed Whiscash Water Bubble to Cash Splash
- Added Trainer Tips Girl to tell you not to play on Eclipse
- Edited opening screen to let you know suggest emus and updated Discord link
- Replaced Tiny Mushroom and Big Mushrooms on Pickup tables with Wishing Piece
- Added a seller in Cerulean Mart that sells 4 TMs (Snarl, Pluck, Swagger, Smack Down)
- Fixed Gems causing damage boost for entire battle
- Fixed game freezing after spamming Rare Candies on instant text without speedup
- Fixed a lot of instances where Neutralizing Gas was not working properly (it is still not perfect, but it’s significantly better)
- Fixed Combusuken, Azumarill, Samurott following sprites being somewhat awkward
- Fixed Ursaluna not being able to learn Gunk Shot
- Fixed Swanna being unable to learn U-Turn
- Fixed Samurott-H not learning Brick Break, Flip Turn
- Fixed Follower being out of sync when backing out of Viridian City gym
- Fixed Follower sometimes turning into Rock Smash rock in Viridian Forest
- Fixed sometimes riding the bike after beating Brendan in Viridian Forest with follower Pokemon
- Fixed Rollout/Ice Ball (again)
- Fixed Ursaring still having buffed stats
- Fixed Strange Steam move animation rotating Pokemon
- Fixed some of the new PLA moves having 0 BP Dynamax
- Fixed some of the PLA moves not being in Move Randomizer
- Fixed the route bosses not having Megas in Normal/Easy Mode
- Fixed Ability Capsule sometimes telling wrong dupe ability
- Fixed climbable ledge in Seafoam postgame
- Fixed Ariana Wailord not having Blubber Defense in HC Cerulean Cave
- Fixed Thunder Cage not trapping
- Cannot use Transform/Imposter on transformed Kyurem-White, Mega Mewtwo Y (Fixes a bug where Ditto would permanently stay transformed after the battle)
- Fixed one of the Bikers on Cycling Road being dodgeable
- Fixed Rufflet not being able to receive Hisuain potential from Saffron NPC
- Fixed Chewtle front sprite being a little too high
- Fixed not being able to fight post game starter trainer with some Hisuian starters
- Removed possibility of getting high level mons from DexNav (was more problematic than helpful as you could get a Pokemon that wouldnt obey)
- Fixed not warping to on black out Celadon PC even if last healed there
- Fixed some Seviian/Hisuian forms not being in the Wonder Egg pool
- Fixed Arcanine-H backsprite being too high
- Fixed Koffing having weird Icon Palette
- Fixed Fuschia care package missing Black Sludge
- Fixed Dumbass Kid sometimes crashing the game
- Fixed Basculegion Female being Male
- Updated Cinderace backsprite
- Updated Ability Pill sprite
v3.01 (quick-fix)
- Cyndaquil, Rowlet, Oshawott now have the option of turning into their Hisuian forms when you choose them as your starter Pokemon
- Added NPC in Saffron who can give your Pokemon Hisuian potential once (Accessible after Silph Co)
- Added some Hisuian Pokemon as Raid Encounters (Scyther->Kleavor on Route 16, Staryu->Basculegion on Route 8, Carvanha->Sligoo-h on Route 12, Qwilfish->Qwilfish-H on Route 13, Route 9 Tropius->Electrode-H, Route 14 Kecleon->Sneasel-H, Route 10 Voltorb->Zorua-H)
- Fixed following Pokemon causing a freeze in Lance’s room on certain emulators
- Fixed Ability Pill, Hidden Ability swapper saying incorrect abilities in Hardcore Mode
- Route 2 has modified Raid Encounters, notably has Shellos-East now
- Ice Body now has additional effect of 30% chance to Frostbite on contact (similar behavior to Flame Body/Static)
- Magcargo learns Shell Smash at Level 100
- Rotom Frost can learn Freeze Dry at Level 54
- Glaceon learns Last Resort at Level 50
- Scrafty, Scraggy Ability 2 Moxie->Intimidate, HA Intimidate->Moxie
- Impidimp line learns Thunder Wave at Level 1, evolves to Morgrem at Level 27 and Grimmsnarl at Level 36 now (earlier evos to make it more useful in wonder egg scenarios), Grimmsnarl learns Reflect/Light Screen at Level 1
- Added Four Star raids to Cerulean Cave so that you don’t run into empty den before Clair (3 possible encounters, Stakataka Xurkitree Guzzlord)
- Fixed Scyther, Basculin not being in Hisuian egg pool, and Wishiwashi-Seviian not being in Seviian Egg Pool
- Added Chinchou back in as possible encounter before Brock
- Added Pluck, Technician back to Archer Fearow, Rotom-Wash to Rotom-Freeze in Lt Surge HC lead, Voltorb to Voltorb-H in Mt Moon double because the round seems to be the cause of a lot of bugs in double battle, Sableye in mt moon double Snarl->Foul Play, Chuck Gliscor->Kommo-o with Kommonium-Z)
- Mt Moon Scientist also a fight in Normal Mode now (double battle with Thwackey, Voltorb-h, Bibarel grassy seed, Sableye)
- Comfey can use Triage in Hardcore Mode
- Fixed Eevee spamming Last Resort even if it fails, and Extreme Evo Boost proccing your own Chilan Berry
- Fixed Normal Status (growl for instance) moves triggering Chilan Berry
- Fixed Chewtle having Wimp Out as ability name instead of Shell Armor
- Fixed Route11 night fishing being same as vanilla
- Fixed Rare Candies not allowing level up towards the more lenient level cap in Easy Mode
- Fixed Vermillion letter causing crash
- Fixed Spearow sign in Viridian house when it’s Iggy the H-Growlithe now
- Removed youngster in Viridian City prompting for password, need to go through NES
- Fixed Sandshrew Seafoam Islands Event being accessible even if you dont have a bike
- Fixed G-Linoone pokeicon and some G-max Pokemon sprites
- Fixed player not turning around during Cerulean Rival Fight
- Fixed Dumbass Kid rematch and Clair rematch having same flag
- Time Box now updates while in Start Menu (Thanks again Greenphx)
- Added save prompt before Puzzle battles in rare off chance you run into glitch where their party is replaced
- Removed using being able to select in Party Menu
- Using PokeVial updates your follower
- Fixed Wishiwashi-S palette in party menu
- Fixed Wishiwashi-S being in big form outside of battle
- Fixed Lilligant-H not being able to learn Brick Break from TM
- Fixed Typhlosion-H not being able to learn Rock Tomb
- Bugsy uses more difficult team after you beat Surge rather than after you beat Misty in Hardcore Mode, also has new team in Normal Mode post Surge now too
- Updated Will-O-Wisp, Toxic, TWave descriptions to mention their new interactions
- Added Hisuian Pokemon, and new Radical Red exclusive Seviian forms
- Pokemon cannot normally evolve to Hisuian Pokemon in Kanto. However, there are options to receive Hisuian Eggs from an Egg Giver in Cerulean City and Vermillion City. These Pokemon will either be Hisuian Pokemon, or Pokemon with Hisuian Potential and can therefore evolve to their Hisuian counterparts. Otherwise, you can evolve Pokemon to their Hisuian forms when you’re in the post-game Sevii Islands. It is also worth noting some of the Hisuian Pokemon were commissioned before the official Shiny palettes were released, so they may have incorrect shiny forms.
- Seviian Forms are new custom Radical Red regional forms. There’s at least one from every single Generation and many of them have custom typing. Trainers in the main game will not have access to them, and you can only receive one before the post game (An egg given to you after beating Erika) to ensure that it’s not too jarring for players who dislike custom Pokemon. They can otherwise be found in post game areas.
- Added Several new post-game areas
- Gain a ticket to first three Sevii Islands by talking to the npc in Route 16 house, and defeating all the foes she advises
- Seviis have new encounters (Hisuain, Seviian Pokemon), new boss battles, some new legendaries, new move tutors, TMs, Z Moves, Gems, special Event Pokemon, and more
- Gems are 1.5x boost rather than the nerfed 1.3x boost
- New areas are open in Rock Tunnel(opening in Rock Tunnel in the exit area of Power Plant), Seafoam Islands, and Pokemon Tower once you obtain the Z-Power Ring
- Some Gym Leaders and other familiar folks may be looking to rematch once you obtain the Z-Power Ring
- Added Following Pokemon
- Viridian City Pokemon Center NPC will go up to you to activate Follower Pokemon
- Only certain Pokemon are able to follow you! There just isn’t enough time and space to insert sprites for all Pokemon. However, there are a sizable amount, and even certain Megas are able to follow you as well
- The game goes through your party and picks the first eligible Pokemon that can be a follower
- New “scaled” randomizer (name still tentative) to replace the “expert” randomizer that no one really played.
- Essentially you’ll only be able to encounter Pokemon that make sense for that point in the game; so before Brock you’re only able to see first stage Pokemon, after Misty you’ll start seeing some second evo Pokemon + weak third stage evos, etc etc.
- Fixed Randomizer being scuffed (many repeats of same species, or moves/abilities on its corresponding randomizers)
- Hisuian and custom Seviian mons accessible in the randomizer
- Now have the option to choose any Starter from any Generation (inspired by Inclement Emerald; Ty Buffel Saft!)
- Added several moves from Pokemon Legends Arceus
- Some new NPCs offer “skills” (accessible by clicking L in the overworld, where you can access autorun, and these other new skills)
- PokeVial – complete the puzzle from the teacher in Viridian City trainer school
- Infinite Repel – fight the lass in Viridian Forest
- Time Changer – answer one of the Oak aides’ questions in Oak’s Lab
- PLA’s Frostbite has replaced Freeze status. Note, that it’s still called “freeze”.
New Freeze:
- Freeze inflicts 1/16 damage to the afflicted Pokemon at the end of turn, and also halves Special Attack (special burn)
- Frostbite effects are twice as likely to occur in hail (I.e Ice Beam 10% chance to freeze becomes 20% in Hail)
- Frostbite inflicts 1/8 damage to the afflicted Pokemon at the end of turn in Hail instead of 1/16. Thick Fat Pokemon take 1/32 damage from Frostbite in Hail
- Attributes from freeze that carry over: Ice Pokemon are immune to freeze, if hit by a fire move/scald when frozen you thaw, frozen Pokemon that use Scald, Flame Wheel, Flare Blitz, Pyro Ball, Sacred Fire …, get thawed out
- Moves that have added Freeze effect added to them:
- Frost Breath has a 30% chance to Freeze on top of its current effect
- Bitter Malice added, 30% chance to Freeze
- Quality of Life Changes:
- Portable PC in the Start Menu after unlocking DexNav!
- Move Relearner now party menu option (like in Pokemon Legends Arceus!)
- Nurse Joy has no dialogue and turns you around
- Hitting L instead of activating Auto Run brings up a menu where you can choose options for Auto Run, PokeVial
- Fast text setting has been improved to display text instantaneously!
- Added option to Nature Changer NPC where she toggles Instant HP Off or On. Off by default. With Instant HP mode, HP Bar moves much quicker
- Pressing B while in Auto Run will make you walk
- Pressing B while surfing for faster speed! (Also works in conjunction with new auto run)
- In-game cheat code if you talk to the NES in your home:
- “DexAll” to allow Dexnav to show all possible mons in the route even when you haven’t registered them in Dex
- “Woyaopp” to unlock Rare Candies if you talk to the youngster in Viridian City walking around in the grass. Rare Candies cannot level you past the level cap. Essential cheat for those who don’t want to grind or just like saving time, especially on subsequent playthroughs or for streamers.
- “SO2Toxic” for care packages, very useful when replaying the game; you’ll get free item drops for everything you’re basically allowed to receive up to that point (from raid rewards, and thiefing wild Pokemon)
- Added a Lorelei forecast (in your first time fighting E4, if you talk to the champ in the making guy he’ll indicate which Pokemon he saw Lorelei with. Lorelei is notorious for ending runs because of the differences between her two possible teams so this should help out.)
- Now automatically get the Flame Body step boost for eggs in min grinding (doesn’t stack both)
- Low HP Beep in Red Health removed
- Nature Changer Nurse has option to Gender Swap,view the current Level Cap, and to view the game modes you’re currently playing.
- Can now use the SELECT button to switch Pokemon in party menu
- Removed catching tutorial, and oak’s tutorial in first rival battle
- Using Rare Candy when Pokemon is at the level cap can evolve it (for instance, if a rare candy is used on a level 100 grovyle it will evolve into sceptile)
- Small revamp to Raid Battles –
- Raid Dens don’t reset on following Day. Now, simply throw Wishing Pieces to force a respawn. Pewter City NPC who gave you dynamax band will give you 5, and you should get more from Raid Dens itself. If you trigger a Yamper Event (have Yamper as your following Pokemon) in Vermillion City, the fan club lady will give you 5 Wishing Pieces too. They can often be given as Raid Rewards as well. This along with Time Changer should remove the need to change your clock, for more convenience.
- Victory Road puzzle no longer resets after you leave
- Can now fish in the backyard of Cerulean City for some additional earlier encounters (used to be blocked by fence)
- Added Time Box in Start Menu so you can see in-game time
- Puzzle Battles – you can view all 6 of the opponents team, and choose 3 of a given team to fight them. There’s a specific solution to winning – half of it is choosing the correct Pokemon and lead, the other half is just making the right plays in battle.
- New Title Screen and Intro Card (Credits to Darkster for creating intro card and assisting with title screen)
- Route 13, Route 16, Route 12 Route 18 have mandatory trainer mini bosses with weather in the overworld.
- Team Rocket Battle music added (plays in Team Rocket, Rocket Admin, and Giovanni fights), Brendan battles now use the RSE Rival Battle Music instead of RSE Trainer Battle, Johto Gym Leaders now play Johto Gym Leader music instead of Hoenn Gym Battle music
- There’s a new NPC in the Game Corner that you can wager and fight in a 6v6 metronome battle, win up to 100,000 pokedollars
- New NPC in the Daycare below Cerulean City that you can fight in a rental battle, receive an early Eevee as a prize
- Daycare Pokemon no longer receive EXP
- Removed Black Sludge as held item from Grimer
- Various wild encounters have been changed for the player’s benefit
- Several AI tweaks
- Brendan rival fight inside SS Anne instead of outside Diglett’s Cave (now a mandatory fight)
- Virizion, Cobalion, Terrakion encounters changed from Level 70 to 65 (at level 70 they sometimes would not obey if you caught them before defeating Koga)
- Added Iron Defense to Saffron Move Tutor
- Choice Items cannot be received from 5 star raids(Giving more incentive to fight and receive Choice items from Jasmine, Pryce, and Blaine) They can still be received from 6 star raids post E4
- Hardcore Mode Changes:
- Adjusted several boss battles to make some easier, and some harder
- Several new trainers turned into mini boss battles. SS Anne has a mandatory double battle
- May now has a new team with Magma Storm effect (trapped, and lose ⅛ health per turn), Gary PreE4 Charmander team also has its field effect updated from sea of fire to Magma Storm effect
- Defog allowed to be taught to all applicable mons in Hardcore Mode (used to be restricted to certain mons)
- Additional moves added to hardcore banlist: Barrier, Harden, Withdraw, Defense Curl, Withdraw, Destiny Bond, Victory Dance, Powder
- Bugsy has new team if you fight him after beating Lt. Surge in Hardcore mode
- Removed battle aura from Lance and Champion E4 fights
- Air Balloon cannot be received from wild Pokemon in Hardcore Mode
- Pokemon with Contrary in HC Mode->Bad Company instead of Clear Body
- Easy Mode bosses have more reduced levels, level cap for Easy Mode more lenient (can level up 6 levels more than the normal mode level cap)
- Disabled EXP during boss fights that lifts level cap (a workaround fix for that wonky level up bug that freezes the game)
- Changed oversize Pokeballs OW back to normal size
- Updated graphics of in-battle Pokeballs
- Fixed Cerulean Egg not giving hidden ability
- Fixed Silk Scarf not giving normal type boost
- Fixed Chilan Berry proccing incorrectly in some instances
- Fixed a bunch of Gen 8 icons
- Fixed Yamper, Yamask, Kubfu, Urshifu forms, Zarude, Regieleki, Regidrago, Glastrier, Spectrier, Calyrex-Ice/Shadow not having proper cries
- Fixed AI being able to use Curse Body disabled moves
- Fixed Stat Scanner having Spanish in the top right
- Fixed zarude not being able to learn ™ rock tomb, rock slide
- Fixed blacephalon not learning expanding force from ™
- Fixed Celesteela not being able to learn Meteor Beam from ™
- Fixed Sigilyph not being able to learn Dual Wingbeat from TM
- Fixed Spectrier not being able to learn mud shot
- Fixed Grim Neigh not being a banned ability in Hardcore Mode
- Grapploct evolves at Level 36 so that it can evolve in Hardcore mode now
- Fixed Cradily not having Suction Cups as Ability 1
- Fixed not being able to bring Mega Ampharos to Clair in Hardcore Mode
- Fixed Honchkrow losing levels upon Evolution
- Fixed random Pokemon picking up items that don’t have the Pickup ability
- Fixed Sleep turns being bugged
- Fixed Download ability gaining incorrect boost
- Fixed Start Menu being slow
- Fixed Zinc working in Hardcore Mode
- Fixed Mega Evolution for one of the champ teams in Hardcore Mode working incorrectly
- Fixed Ponyta-G front sprite floating
- Fixed Sizzlipede backsprite being too high
- Fixed gender ratio of Bunnelby being incorrect
- Fixed being able to cancel evolution during Stone Evos
- Fixed Oricorio Egg Moves being buggy
- Fixed part of Seafoam Islands puzzle
- Fixed 50% draining moves unintentionally healing for 75%
- Fixed Poltergeist not using up PP when it fails
- Fixed Shedinja evolution not working properly (no longer evolves through Dusk Stone but through the vanilla method)
- Fixed Bite being 10% flinch chance instead of 30
- Fixed Earth Badge showing on trainer card instead of Rising Badge
- Fix Guard at Victory Road saying you have Earth Badge instead of Rising Badge
- Fixed Spectral Thief/Soul Robbery still stealing boosts even if the move failed
- Fixed Youngster overworld having the green dots around him
- Fixed some Pokemon having the incorrect “duplicate” ability names (Cinderace used to have Protean for instance, and Kingler Battle Armor instead of Shell Armor, to save space. However, Greenphx and theskidy provided a nice workaround so they can have the correct ability names)
- Fixed Flame Orb misspelling in item description
New Moves:
Draco Barrage (Only on AI in Hardcore and select Dragon Pokemon at Level 85/100)
100 BP move that is physical/special depending on which stat is higher, bypasses Fairy Immunity, deals ⅓ damage recoil to the user
Stone Axe – 70 BP 100 Acc Rock Physical Move that traps the opponent and deals damage at end of turn for 2-5 turns(Fire Spin effect). Makes contact, Blademaster boosted.
Ceaseless Edge – 70 BP 100 Acc Dark Physical Move: Traps the opponent and deals damage at end of turn for 2-5 turns(Fire Spin effect). Makes contact, Blademaster boosted.
Infernal Parade – 60 BP 100 Acc Ghost Special Move: Has 30% chance to burn the target, deals double damage if opponent is statused.
Barb Barrage – 60 BP 100 Acc Poison Physical Move (Does not make contact): Has 30% chance to poison the target, deals double damage if opponent is statused.
Headlong Rush – 120 BP 100 Acc Ground Physical Move – Attacking move that lowers user’s Def/SpDef (Close Combat effect) Makes contact.
Triple Arrows – 60 BP 100 Acc Fighting Physical Move – Attacking move that has 100% chance to lower opponent’s defense, and gives focus energy boost after hit (Focus Energy gives +2 Crit ratio). Striker boosted, makes contact.
Chloroblast – 120 BP 100 Acc Grass Special Move – Attacking move that has ⅓ recoil (Special Wood Hammer).
Victory Dance – 15 PP Set Up move that gives +1 Attack, Defense, Speed (Physical Quiver Dance)
Bitter Malice – 60 BP 100 Acc Ghost Special Move: Has 30% chance to Freeze, deals double damage if opponent is statused.
Attack Changes:
Moves with 5-15% chance to miss are some of the most infuriating to miss for the player, especially in challenge runs. These changes have been made to many such moves to mitigate such scenarios.
Will-O-Wisp is guaranteed to hit when used by a Fire type
Thunder Wave is guaranteed to hit when used by an Electric type
Rock Tomb Accuracy 95->100
Metal Claw Accuracy 95->100
Fire Fang Accuracy 95->100
Ice Fang Accuracy 95->100
Thunder Fang Accuracy 95->100
Mud Shot Accuracy 95->100
Hyper Fang Accuracy 95->100
Icy Wind acc 95->100
Electroweb acc 95->100
Snarl acc 95->100
Air Cutter acc 95->100
Air Slash Acc 95->100
Glaciate acc 95->100
Light of Ruin acc 90->100
Razor Leaf Acc 95->100
Rock Throw Acc 90->100
Take Down Acc 85->100
Slam 90 Acc->100 Acc
Fake Out 10 PP->5 PP, Feather Dance 15 PP->5 PP
Rock Slide 90 Acc->100 Acc, 30% Flinch->20% flinch
Stone Edge 80 Acc->90 Acc
Tri Attack 80 Attack->90 Attack
Aeroblast Acc 95->100
Power Whip Acc 85->90
Swagger Acc 85->90
Hammer Arm Acc 90->100
Diamond Storm Acc 95->100
Drill Run Acc 95->100
Zen Headbutt Acc 90->100
Play Rough Acc 90->100
Strong Jaw Boosts Fishious Rend again
Genesis Supernova (Mew Z-Move) has been changed to give +1 to all stats upon hit
Eevium Z has been modified to also work on Eeveelutions, but only gives +2 to Offensive Stats (Shell Smash without the Defense drops basically)
Frenzy Plant – 160 BP, 4 PP, 100 Acc recharge move but does not need to recharge on kill. 80% chance to badly poison.
Blast Burn – 160 BP, 4 PP, 100 Acc recharge move but does not need to recharge on kill. 60% chance to burn.
Hydro Cannon – 160 BP, 4 PP, 100 Acc recharge move but does not need to recharge on kill. 60% chance to freeze (frostbite)
Meteor Assault – 160 BP, 4 PP, 100 Acc recharge move but does not need to recharge on kill. 60% chance to paralyze
Pokemon Changes:
Ability changes:
Reckless now also boosts Explosion, Selfdestruct, and Misty Explosion
Magby line Ability 2 None->Magma Armor
- A slightly more usable ability with the Freeze changes, so feels like a relevant buff even if it’s minor
Ninetales-A Ability 2 None->Serene Grace
- Combos well with Moonblast and new Frost Breath, Ninetales-A mostly useless in HC mode where it can’t have Snow Warning so this is a nice small buff
Turtonator Ability 1 Dauntless Shield-> Battle Armor, Ability 2 None->Magma Armor, Hidden Ability None->Dauntless Shield
Oshawott Line Ability 2 None->Shell Armor
Added back in Propeller Tail/Stalwart (Duraludon, Barraskewda hidden abilities)
Cobalion, Virizion, Terrakion, Keldeo Hidden Ability None->Blademaster
Wailord Ability Multiscale -> Blubber Defense (Name Change to make a little more sense, does the same thing as Multiscale)
Stat/Type changes:
Stantler, Basculin, Ursaring stats reverted to Vanilla due to new Evolutions
Samurott Speed 100->90 (gains access to Shell Smash now though)
Reverted Blaziken nerfs (Attack 110->120, SpA 120->110)
Reverted Blaziken-Mega nerfs (Attack 130->160, SpA 160->130)
Reverted Mega Salamence nerfs (Attack 135->145)
Reverted Cinderace nerfs (Attack 111->116)
Reverted Darmanitan-G nerfs (Attack 130->140)
Reverted Lanturn buffs (Attack 50->58, Defense 65->58, SpA 90->76)
Reverted Sudowoodo Rock/Grass->Rock
Reverted Rotom nerfs (Def 70->77, SpDef 70->77)
Reverted Melmetal nerf (Clear Body-> Iron Fist)
Mudsdale Ability 1 Own Tempo -> Striker, Hidden Ability Inner Focus -> Tangling Hair
Meowstic SpA 55->63
Meowstic-Female SpA 55->63
Wishiwashi HP 45->55 (both schooling and smol form)
Learnset Removals:
Ursaring – No longer learns Slack Off, Sucker Punch from Level Up
Learnset additions:
Samurott-H, Samurott learn Shell Smash at Level 80
Whiscash Ability 1 Water Bubble->Hydration, HA Hydration->Water Bubble
Floatzel learns Bite at Level 1
Qwilfish can learn Gunk Shot from Move Tutor
Sandaconda learns Quick Attack at Level 1 (great with Aerilate Mega)
Vespiquen can learn Leech Life from TM
Hydreigon can learn Draco Barrage at Level 85
Zekrom can learn Earthquake from TM
Guzzlord can learn Draco Barrage at Level 77
Kommo-o can learn Draco Barrage at Level 85
Tropius learns Draco Barrage at Level 52
Swanna can learn Blizzard, U-turn from TM
Dusknoir learns Dynamic Punch at Level 75
Dragonite learns Dragon Hammer at Level 100
Kangaskhan learns Seismic Toss at Level 100
Flapple learns Dragon Energy at Level 100
Togekiss learns Aeroblast at Level 100
Heracross learns First Impression at Level 100
Clawitzer learns Origin Pulse at Level 100
Mamoswine learns Headlong Rush at Level 100
Darmanitan-G learns Ice Hammer at Level 100
Beedrill learns Megahorn at Level 100, and Gunk Shot from Move Tutor
Mawile learns Double Iron Bash at Level 100
Umbreon learns Sucker Punch at Level 25 instead of Assurance
Falinks can learn Leech Life from TM and Bug Bite from Move Tutor
Oranguru can learn Hyper Voice from TM
Pokemon that learn Protect through level up learn Detect instead (which is usable in HC mode, unlike Protect)
Banette learns Double Edge at Level 68
Magmortar can learn Terrain Pulse from TM
Frillish learns Destiny Bond from Egg Move
Stunfisk-G learns Aqua Tail from Egg Move
Toxapex learns Recover at Level 68 instead of 90
Lycanroc-N learns Head Smash at Level 58, Sing at Level 65
Lycanroc learns Headlong Rush at Level 52 respectively
- Lycanroc Dusk is still quite easily the best of the 3 forms, so these changes should set them apart a bit more
Golem learns Headlong Rush at Level 46
Golurk learns Headlong Rush at Level 58
Flygon learns Headlong Rush at Level 70
Bouffalant learns Headlong Rush at Level 58
Lilligant learns Chloroblast at Level 54
Venusaur learns Chloroblast at level 64
Blaziken learns Triple Arrows at Level 56
Because Rotom forms don’t have the flexibility to transform into other forms like the Vanilla games, it has received some slight learnset buffs.
Rotom-Freeze learns Frost Breath at Level 47, can learn Ice Beam from TM
Rotom-Heat learns Lava Plume at Level 47, Flamethrower from TM
Rotom-Fan learns Air Slash at Level 47
Rotom-Cut learns Giga Drain at Level 47, Chloroblast at Level 60
Exeggutor, Exeggutor-A learns Chloroblast at Level 68
Rotom-Wash learns Scald at Level 47
Shaymin Sky learns Hurricane at Level 86
Ledian learns Victory Dance at Level 70
Leavanny learns Victory Dance at Level 73
Changes from Legends Arceus:
Pichu, Pikachu, Raichu learn Baby Doll Eyes at Level 3
Pikachu, Raichu can learn Calm Mind From TM
Machop learns Mach Punch at Level 1 instead of Bullet Punch
Vulpix-A, Ninetales-A learn Energy Ball from TM
Chansey, Blissey learn Baby Doll Eyes at Level 23
Scyther, Scizor can learn Close Combat from Move Tutor, Calm Mind from ™, Psycho Cut at Level 1
Eevee, Glaceon, Leafeon, Umbreon can learn Calm Mind from ™ (other Eeveelutions can already learn CM in RR)
Aipom, Ambipom learn Mud Bomb at Level 12
Heracross can learn Calm Mind, Outrage from Move Tutor
Teddiursa, Ursaring can learn High Horsepower from Move Tutor
Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine learn Baby Doll Eyes at Level 1
Ralts, Kirlia, Gardevoir, Gallade can learn Ice Beam from ™
Gardevoir learns Recover at Level 70, Aura Sphere from Move Tutor, Ice Beam from TM
Whiscash can learn Aerial Ace from ™
Duskull, Dusclops, Dusknoir can learn Leech Life from TM
Spheal, Sealeo, Walrein learn Baby Doll Eyes at Level 1
Torterra, learns Sleep Powder at Level 1, Headlong Rush at Level 67
Piplup, Prinplup, Empoleon learn Baby Doll Eyes at Level 13
Pachirisu can learn Play Rough from Move Tutor
Cherubi, Cherrim learn Stun Spore at Level 1, Sleep Powder at Level 16, Double Edge at Level 53
Drifloon, Drifblim learn Extrasensory at Level 30
Buneary, Lopunny learn Mach Punch at Level 23, Double Edge at Level 69
Glameow, Purugly learn Double Edge at Level 44, Nasty Plot from move tutor
Chatot can learn Hurricane, Play Rough from Move Tutor
Spiritomb learns Extra Sensory at Level 34
Riolu, Lucario learn Mach Punch at Level 1
Croagunk, Toxicroak can learn Earth Power from Move Tutor
Carnivine can learn Leech Life from TM
Finneon, Lumineon can learn Roost from TM
Uxie learns Hypnosis at Level 1
Mesprit learns Recover at Level 1
Cresselia can learn Recover at Level 61
Phione, Manaphy learns Moonblast at Level 51
Shaymin learns Sleep Powder at Level 5, Recover at Level 51
Petilil learns Baby Doll Eyes at Level 1, Recover at Level 33
Rufflet learns Quick Attack at Level 1, Double Edge at Level 54
Bergmite, Avalugg learn Ice Shard at Level 5
Togetic, Togekiss can learn Calm Mind from ™, Moonblast at Level 66/77 respectively
Infernape can learn Drain Punch from TM
A lot of improvements have been made to evolutions and learnsets to make early parts of Hardcore mode more feasible. I unfortunately did not thoroughly document everything but the learnsets and evolution tables are available for your viewing.
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