Download Pokemon Lark RPGXP FanGame
- Author: LarkyLovesYou
- Version: 0.1.1 (Beta)
- Updated: February 6, 2024
Pokemon Lark is an RPGXP FanGame by LarkyLovesYou made using RPG Maker XP & Pokemon Essentials in English. And it is now available to download. It was last updated on February 6, 2024.
Also, if you want to play this on Android, check out How to Play Pokemon FanGames on Android
Author Note
This game is aimed to seem more like a personal trip than a grueling task, so it’s intended for less competitive players (or those who simply need to slow down and smell the flowers for a while!), but it’s not planned to be “easy”. This is what I appreciate about Pokémon games, therefore I hope this initiative reaches out to others like me.
Take things at your own speed and interact with locals and Pokémon to discover more about the area. You never know what you will find! ~LarkyLovesYou
Please keep in mind that this game is currently in the early beta release stage and requires a lot of playtesters!
Pokémon Lark is a solitary passion project that I’ve been working on for the past three years, albeit this version is a complete relaunch of the previous one. There will be a link to an optional post-playtest survey in the game’s main folder (hosted by Google Forms); filling it out would greatly benefit both my skills as a developer and my enthusiasm to continue working on this project!
Welcome to the world of Pokémon!
Dive into the quiet land of Regiona, a tranquil peninsula known for its simple naming conventions! Within this land, the inhabitants cherish their deep connections with Pokémon, whether through battles, competitions, or simply companionship. You have complete control over how you navigate and interact with this region!
Begin your trip as a youthful citizen of Stardina Town, an up-and-coming community just off the usual road.

Current Features
- 🌸24 available Starter Pokémon! 🌸
- 🌻 3 unique towns/cities, including 1 Gym Leader (rematchable daily)🌻
- 🌺 5 Accessible Routes and 3 other, non-route locations.🌺
- 🪻 Time-based interaction events with major characters (yes, the Gym Leaders actually leave their gyms!) 🪻
- 🌸 A new, improved Region Map (though its contents are still subject to change)!🌸
- 🌻Major characters’ ace Pokémon are nicknamed so they’re harder to identify in Switch Mode.🌻
- 🌺The ability to pet (or un-pet) cute Pokémon for flavor text!🌺
- 🪻Interacting with a Pokémon in the overworld marks it as “seen” in your Pokédex!🪻
- 🌸 The ability to rename Pokémon in the menu, or change their Pokéballs from the Bag!🌸
- 🌻Loosely customizable player outfits!🌻
- 🌺251 Unique Pokémon from Gens 1-8 (and counting!)🌺
Friendly Faces!
As you travel through Regiona, you’ll meet a variety of eccentric people that have something to talk about. Expect to meet a pair of fiery twins from the adjacent town who will be your main adversaries. While some encounters with them are unavoidable, the majority are entirely up to you to seek out (or accidentally miss if you aren’t nosing around)!

Meet Liv!

Liv (short for Olivia) is a shy, smart girl who is currently the professor’s favorite (and only) assistant. She’ll be in charge of giving you your first Pokémon, and while she’s not much of a battler, she and her partner Eevee will be valuable allies throughout your adventure. And perhaps, as she gets to know you, she’ll gain confidence in herself…?

Meet Leo!

Leo (short for Leon) is a quirky, outgoing boy whose goal is to make many Pokémon friends on his journey and become strong together. He and his Deino are formidable opponents, but he’s a softie at heart who wants nothing more than to push you to your maximum potential (even if he may be awkward at times). His dedication to the well-being of Pokémon is unparalleled.
And… others?
You may encounter some nasty characters on your travels.
A new gang known as Team Trouble is on the rise, and they’re chasing money, resources, and a mythical Pokémon that hasn’t been seen in generations. Will you fight for the honor of the Pokémon they may injure in the process?
Known Issues
- Some move animations are off- specifically, certain moves will show their animation in the corner of the screen and not on the Pokémon in question. This appears to be an Essentials issue and not a “me” issue, but I’ll have to look into fixing it.
- Some time-based events have yet to be playtested, though most of them are optional interactions and shouldn’t interfere with gameplay too much. If there’s something absurdly game or immersion-breaking that I missed, I’ll be sure to patch it out.
“Why is Skitty on the title screen? Is it important?”
- (Silly Answer) Skitty will always be important in my heart <3.
- (Professional Answer) Skitty is one of my favorite Pokémon, and it appears really early in the game. I just enjoy it.
“Where does the game get its title?”
- Silly Answer) It’s called “Pokémon Lark”. My name is Larky. I’m sure you can figure it out.
- (Professional Answer) This world and its characters hold a special place in my heart and are a reflection of who I am. As a result, I’m attempting to participate in the game myself.
“Why do the names of your region/towns suck?”
- (Silly Answer) That’s not a question <3
- (Professional Answer) Because I’m bad at names. I’m not going to pretend they’re good names. I didn’t try to make good names, and I don’t really plan to change them.
“How long until the next update / final game / etc?”
- (Silly Answer) Idk lmao
- (Professional Answer) You can’t rush art, my friends. Hyperfixation is an experience I fall victim to very often. But I’ve been coming back to this project for several years at this point without sharing it with anyone, so I’m pretty confident I’ll keep working, even if it takes ten years to finish the game.
“Will there be Fakémon / Regional Forms in this game?”
- (Silly Answer) lmao no
- (Professional Answer) I haven’t had any inspiration to do so, and at this point, I’ve got enough developed that it would be weird from a game-structural standpoint if I started adding them now. So no, probably not.
Future Plans
Long-Term Goals
- 8 Full Gyms, Elite 4, and Champion, all with custom sprites and unique interactions outside of battle.
- Before battling a Gym Leader, they will be in their Gym at all times (unless a specific interaction is required to unlock their Gym Fight).
- After defeating a Gym Leader, they will be placed on a schedule for unique interactions. This schedule may change throughout the game, depending on how many badges the player has obtained.
- There will be at least one opportunity to rematch each Gym Leader before the postgame. These casual rematches are done outside the League’s jurisdiction, and as such, they are not locked to a single type.
- After completing the main story, players will be able to rematch each Gym Leader at their full strength.
- Full storyline involving Team Trouble and their shenanigans.
- A few interactions and battles locked behind the postgame.
- Mega Evolution! Late-game bosses and postgame rematches will include Mega Evolved Pokémon, and the player will be able to unlock Mega Evolution as well (though the question of “when” is still undecided).
Short-Term (Next Game Version) Goals
An additional city, including 1 Gym Leader & her timed events.
- The new city will be much larger than Fergem, as it’s one of the larger locations in the game.
The remainder of Token Tunnel, as well as the other half of Route 4Routes 5, 6, and 8. Potentially part of Route 9 (including the Daycare) also.
- Route 6 will include several battles against Team Trouble. This is the first time players will see the bad guys.
- More Pokémon to obtain in the new routes.
Some post-gym content, primarily backtracking.
New timed events for the rivals, which will be locked behind the second Gym Badge.A couple of new trainer classes, which I’ll probably also release as a free resource.
- I already have the data for them in the game, they’re just not able to be encountered yet.
Obtain a Fishing Rod! Because that’s what everybody wants in their Pokémon game! Fishing!
(If I used your resource and somehow forgot to put the credits down here, PLEASE message me and I’ll fix it!!)
Pokémon is owned by:
The Pokémon Company
Affiliated with Game Freak
This is a non-profit fan-made game.
No copyright infringements intended.
Please support the official games!
Game Credits
LarkyLovesYou (Development, Character Design, Dialogue, Region Design & Primary Mapping)
Pokémon Essentials v20.1
Poccil (Peter O.)
With contributions from:
MiDas Mike
Near Fantastica
Genzai Kawakami
Golisopod User
Jacob O. Wobbrock
Lisa Anthony
Luka S.J.
and everyone else who helped out
Based on “mkxp” by Ancurio et al.
RPG Maker XP
Game Freak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company (Pokemon FireRed & LeafGreen Versions)
Pokémon Essentials (Compilation)
LarkyLovesYou (Recolors)
Emerald Outside Tileset
aiyinsi (Compilation & Formatting)
leilou (Editing, ripping/making a few titles)
Heartless Dragon (Emerald Outside rip)
Gamefreak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company (Pokémon Emerald Version)
(All of the music in this game is either included in Essentials, or it’s from various games with Pokémon licensing.
I do not own any of the music.)
ENLS’s Pre-Looped Music Library
Game Freak, Nintendo, The Pokémon Company (Original Music)
ENLS, Thundaga, KrakerwatYT, Sulucnal, FrivolousAqua (Looping & Compilation)
Game Freak / Nintendo / The Pokémon Company (Most of the base Essentials sprites)
LarkyLovesYou (Barista Trainer/Overworld Sprite)
Accurate FRLG-style NPC Megapack
(I only used bits and pieces from the pack, so only the used sprites will be credited here, haha)
Poffin_Case (FRLG Style RSE NPCs, ORAS Brendan and May)
SoulfulLex (Compilation & Minor Edits)
Generation 8 Pack for Essentials v20.1
Golisopod User, Luka S.J. (Scripts)
Golisopod User, UberDunsparce (Compilation)
Battler Sprites:
veekun (Gen 1-5 Pokemon Sprites)
Smogon X/Y Sprite Project (Gen 6 Pokemon Sprites)
Smogon Sun/Moon Sprite Project (Gen 7 Pokemon Sprites)
Smogon Sword/Shield Sprite Project (Gen 8 Sprites)
Overworld Sprites:
Anarlaurendil (Gen 6+ Berry Tree Overworlds)
princess-pheonix, LunarDusk, Wolfang62, TintejeMadelintje101, piphybuilder88 (Gen 6 Pokemon Overworlds)
Larry Turbo, princess-pheonix (Gen 7 Pokemon Overworlds)
SageDeoxys, Wolfang62, LarryTurbo, tammyclaydon (Gen 8 Pokemon Overworlds)
MissingLukey, help-14, Kymoyonian, cSc-A7X, 2and2makes5, Pokegirl4ever, Fernandojl, Silver-Skies, TyranitarDark, Getsuei-H, Kid1513, Milomilotic11, Kyt666, kdiamo11, Chocosrawlooid, Syledude, Gallanty, Gizamimi-Pichu, 2and2makes5, Zyon17,LarryTurbo, spritesstealer, LarryTurbo (Gen 1-5 Pokemon Overworlds)
Icon Sprites:
Alaguesia, harveydentmd (Gen 1-6 Pokemon Icon Sprites)
Marin, MapleBranchWing, Contributors to the DS Styled Gen 7+ Repository (Gen 7 Pokemon Icon Sprites)
Larry Turbo, Leparagon (Gen 8 Icon Sprites)
StarrWolf, Pokemon Shattered Light Team (Shiny Icon Sprites)
Rhyden (Gen 1-6 Pokemon Cries)
Marin, Rhyden (Gen 7 Pokemon Cries)
Zeak6464 (Gen 8 Pokemon Cries)
Custom Egg Sprites For All Species Up To Gen 8
LMicolash (Icon Sprites)
Reborn & Rejuvenation Developer Teams (Graphics)
Appletun’s Apples (Compilation & Updating for v19+)
Generation 8 Pack
Sawsbucks Coffee Pack
LarkyLovesYou (Compilation, Recolors & Edits)
LarkyLovesYou (Item Icons & Scripting)
LarkyLovesYou (Barista Trainer Sprites)
Game Freak / Nintendo / The Pokemon Company (base tiles from FRLG & Emerald)
Llama Train Studio (Sawsbucks Cafe Concept)
Advanced Vending Machine
FL (Code improvements)
MelonSpeedRuns (multiBuy code)
Overworld Weather Moves
Poké Ball Swap
Nickname From The Party
Screen’s Updated Mining Resources
Screen Lady
Mining Game Mouse Function
Better Bitmaps
Pokemon Contests and Pokeblocks
bo4p5687 (original code used as a base for both Contests and Pokeblocks)
mej71, Maruno, FL, JV, Umbreon/Hansiec, Saving Raven, FL, Luka S.J., TastyRedTomato (contributors to the original Contest code used as a base)
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